Microsoft COCO: Common Objects in Context Tsung-Yi Lin, Michael Maire, Serge Belongie, James Hays, Pietro Perona, Deva Ramanan, Piotr Dollar, Larry Zitnick ECCV|September 2014 Published by European Conference on Computer Vision Publication
COCO数据集:本数据集包含了91种物体类型的图像,这些物体类型能够被4岁大小的孩子豪不费力的识别出来。数据集有32.8万张图片,包含有250万个标注实例。 标注工具:Microsoft自研 类别确定使用多个数据源来建立顶…
P. Dollar, and C. L. Zitnick, “Microsoft COCO: Common objects ´ in context,” inECCV, 2014. [20] D. Scharstein and R. Szeliski, “A taxonomy and evaluation of dense two-frame stereo correspondence algorithms,”IJCV, vol. 47, no. 1-3, pp. 7–42, 2002. [21] S. Baker, D....
Fig9中的结论没怎么看懂,大概是说即使标注及其矩形框IOU很大,也还是难以预测 Fig9右,在COCO上测试,正确预测的平均交并比也都不高,基本不超0.5,这一点也不是很懂 讨论 又强调了一些东西 over 70,000 worker hours non-iconic images of objects in natural environments and varied viewpoints. rich contextual inf...
COCO(MicrosoftCOCO:CommonObjectsinContext)论⽂阅 读笔记 以下为我总结出的论⽂各部分的主要内容,某些地⽅可能夹带着⼀些⾃⼰的理解和思考。⽬录 摘要 该论⽂/该数据集的⽬的 推动⽬标识别领域的技术突破 数据集概要 320k张图⽚,250万个实例,91种实例类型 标注类型:实例分割 该数据集...
We present a new dataset with the goal of advancing the state-of-the-art in object recognition by placing the question of object recognition in the context of the broader question of scene understanding. This is achieved by gathering images of complex ev
Microsoft COCO: Common Objects in Context Tsung-Yi Lin 1 , Michael Maire 2 , Serge Belongie 1 , James Hays 3 , Pietro Perona 2 , Deva Ramanan 4 , Piotr Doll´ar 5 , C. Lawrence Zitnick 5 1 Cornell, 2 Caltech, 3 Brown, 4 UC Irvine, 5 Microsoft Research Abstract. We present ...
1 Microsoft COCO: Common Objects in Context Tsung-Yi Lin Michael Maire Serge Belongie Lubomir Bourdev Ross Girshick James Hays Pietro Perona Deva Ramanan C. Lawrence Zitnick Piotr Doll ´ ar Abstract—We present a new dataset with the goal of advancing the state-of-the-art in object recogni...
论文学习:Microsoft COCO: Common Objects in Context Abstract 为了促进物体识别的发展,COCO数据集是在把物体识别放到更广泛的场景理解问题下的情况下被制作而成的。 每个物体都被单独分割标注,这样做的目的是进行精确的物体定位。 数据集包含91种物体类别,2500000个被标注的物体,328000张图片 INTRODUCTION 论文要点 对...
L. 2014. Microsoft COCO: common objects in context. In Computer Vision - ECCV 2014 - 13th European Conference, Zurich, Switzer- land, September 6-12... B Nushi,E Kamar,E Horvitz,... 被引量: 13发表: 2016年 Prototype GOD: prototype Generic Objects Dataset for an Object Detection Syste...