相同的原則也適用於 工作用的 Clipchamp。 如果您的視訊上下顛倒,或是您只是想要讓它看起來更專業,您可以使用 Microsoft Clipchamp 中的任意旋轉功能來旋轉視訊、影像、GIF、貼圖、翻譯字幕等等。 步驟1: 選取您要旋轉的媒體資產 在時程表上,選取您要旋轉的媒體資產。 選取時,它...
如果你的视频是颠倒的,在其一侧,或者你只是想让它看起来更专业,你可以旋转视频,图像,GIF,贴纸,字幕等在 Microsoft Clipchamp 中的自由旋转功能。 步骤1. 选择要旋转的媒体资产 在时间线上,选择要旋转的媒体资产。 选中后,它将突出显示为绿色。 可以旋转时间...
If your video is upside down, on its side or you just want to make it look more professional, you can rotate videos, images, GIFs, stickers, subtitles, and more with the freehand rotate feature in Microsoft Clipchamp. Step 1. Select the media asset you want to rotate On the timeline, ...
Clipchamp Premium Cost Free $11.99 per month or $119.99 annually Export resolution Up to 1080p (HD) Up to 4K (UHD) Features Access free audio, image, and video stock; and use free filters and effects Access to premium audio, image, and video stock; premium filters and effects; brand kit...
Clipchamp free Clipchamp Premium Cost Free USD 11.99 per month or USD 119.99 annually Export resolution Up to 1080p (HD) Up to 4K (UHD) Features Access free audio, image and video stock; and use free filters and effects Access to premium audio, image and video stock; premium filters and ...
Clipchamp free Clipchamp Premium CostFreeUSD 11.99 per month or USD 119.99 annually Export resolutionUp to 1080p (HD)Up to 4K (UHD) FeaturesAccess free audio, image, and video stock; and use free filters and effectsAccess to premium audio, image, and video stock; premium filters and effects...
Clipchamp 編集プロジェクトでビジュアル要素を回転させる方法について説明します。 これは、ビデオ、画像、GIF、ステッカー、字幕トラックなどと連携します。
Clipchamp video editor, a new application bundled into Windows 11, is similar to Apple's iMovie product — simple and free to use. The Clipchamp app includes editing and creation tools allowing for inclusion of music, text, motion, and 3D effects. Like ...
Примітка.:Знімкиекрана, наведені вцій статті, взятозClipchamp дляособистихобліковихзаписів. Ці жпринципизастосовуютьсяд...
How to create a new video A quick way to start creating a video in Clipchamp is to right-click on a media file in Windows Explorer and click on theedit with Clipchamp button, or click on thecreate a videooption on a media file in the Windows Photos app. This will launch a new video...