Learn how you can get money back on your purchases with Microsoft Cashback. Shop online with Microsoft Edge and automatically earn money when you buy from major retailers and grocery stores.
If your Microsoft Cashback account becomes inactive, where permitted by law, we will deduct a fee of US$5.00 (or local currency equivalent) per month from your account, starting on the first day of the month after your account is deemed inactive (“Account Maintenance Fee”). Your account i...
Microsoft Cashback k.Microsoft Cashback。Microsoft Cashback 計劃(「現金回饋」)允許 Microsoft 客戶在使用 Bing.com 和 Microsoft Edge 等 Microsoft 產品和服務在參與計劃的零售商處購物時賺取現金回饋獎勵。 註冊現金回饋或啟動現金回饋優惠,即表示貴用戶接受並同意現金回饋條款和條件(https://www.microsoft.com/bing...
k. Microsoft Cashback。Microsoft Cashback 计划(以下简称“Cashback”)允许微软客户在使用 Bing.com 和 Microsoft Edge 等微软特定产品和服务购买参与该计划的零售商提供的产品时获取返现奖励。注册 Cashback 计划或激活 Cashback 服务,即表示您接受并同意 Cashback 条款和条件 (https://www.microsoft.com/bing/rebates...
Microsoft Cashback l. Microsoft Cashback. Le programme Microsoft Cashback (« Cashback ») permet aux clients Microsoft de gagner des remises en argent lorsqu'ils effectuent des achats auprès des détaillants participants utilisant certains produits et services Microsoft comme Bing.com et Microsof...
With the ShopBack browser extension, you'll never miss out on earning Cashback and discovering the best deals. Add ShopBack extension to your browser in seconds and receive instant notifications when a store has Cashback. Here's what it can do for you...
Microsoft Ditches Bing CashbackDennis Schooley
k.Microsoft Cashback。Microsoft Cashback 计划(以下简称“Cashback”)允许微软客户在使用 Bing.com 和 Microsoft Edge 等微软特定产品和服务购买参与该计划的零售商提供的产品时获取返现奖励。注册 Cashback 计划或激活 Cashback 服务,即表示您接受并同意Cashback 条款和条件(https://www.microsoft.com/bing/rebates-terms...
k.Microsoft Cashback。Microsoft Cashback 计划(以下简称“Cashback”)允许微软客户在使用 Bing.com 和 Microsoft Edge 等微软特定产品和服务购买参与该计划的零售商提供的产品时获取返现奖励。注册 Cashback 计划或激活 Cashback 服务,即表示您接受并同意Cashback 条款和条件(https://www.microsoft.com/bing/rebates-terms...
k.Microsoft Cashback。Microsoft Cashback 计划(以下简称“Cashback”)允许微软客户在使用 Bing.com 和 Microsoft Edge 等微软特定产品和服务购买参与该计划的零售商提供的产品时获取返现奖励。注册 Cashback 计划或激活 Cashback 服务,即表示您接受并同意Cashback 条款和条件(https://www.microsoft.com/bing/rebates-terms...