然后使用GraphServiceClient对象 (注入到 Razor Page 模型类的构造函数中) 调用Me.CalendarView,并将viewOptions列表传递到Request方法以限制结果。 代码还通过调用Header方法包括用户的首选时区。 C#复制 // Use the injected GraphServiceClient object to call into Me.CalendarViewvarcalendarEvents =await_graphS...
A calendar view lets a user view and interact with a calendar that they can navigate by month, year, or decade.
Calendar. To change calendar view: In the upper right chooseDay,Work week,Week, orAgendaview. To view different dates: Select the month and the year in the upper left to change the calendar view to any date. SelectTodayto get back to current day or week. ...
Calendar View Options Type is a 1-byte value that specifies calendar options for WFE display in the following format. 0 1
Tip:If you switch to another folder or close Outlook, your current Calendar view is saved automatically. To change work hours, work days, or your calendar start day: Go toFile>Options>Calendar. UnderWork Time, do any of the following: ...
WeeklyCalendarView 类型公开以下成员。方法展开表 名称说明 AddAttributesToRender (从 WebControl 继承。) AddedControl (从 Control 继承。) AddParsedSubObject (从 Control 继承。) AddToItems (从 SPCalendarBase 继承。) AppendEvents (从 DailyCalendarView 继承。) AppendTDWithEvent (从 DailyCalendarView ...
查看审阅集的搜索选项 ReviewSetSearchOptionsViewed 用户查看了添加到审阅集的设置。 审核活动包括案例名称和评审集名称 。 查看了审阅集的搜索结果 ReviewSetSearchRun 用户在审阅集中运行了搜索。 审核活动包括案例名称、审阅集名称和搜索结果中返回的项目列表。 查看的统计信息结果 StatisticsResultsViewed 用户查看的搜索...
登录Outlook.com、Hotmail.com、MSN.com 或 Live.com 帐户。下载免费的桌面和移动应用,在一个位置关联你的所有电子邮件帐户(包括 Gmail、Yahoo 和 iCloud)。
ii. You can redeem your Points in a variety of ways ("Redemption Options"), including for certain products and services listed on the Redemption Page at https://aka.ms/redeemrewards ("Rewards"). To be eligible to redeem your Points for any Redemption Option, you must first activate your ...
使用Microsoft Word、PowerPoint、Excel 和 OneNote 的在线版本免费进行协作。在 OneDrive 中在线保存文档、工作簿和演示文稿。与他人共享和同时协同工作。