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Intelligent mapping: Where possible, LinkedIn will map existing campaign legacy locations to Bing geo gradually. Due to this if you do GET on campaign data, you may expect Bing location values from past campaigns. For example, if a campaign targets on urn:li:state:(urn:li:country:us,CA...
Azure 地圖服務 Android SDK 中的所有樣式運算式都可在命名空間下使用。 樣式運算式分成許多不同的類型。 運算式的類型描述 布林運算式布林運算式提供一組布林運算子運算式來評估布林比較。 色彩運算式色彩運算式可讓您更輕鬆地建立及操作色彩值。
Get Started Our platform provides you with everything you need — from subscription keys for API authentication to a plethora of code samples and SDKs. Ready to start building? Frequently asked questions |
MapAddress.BuildingFloor 屬性 參考 意見反應 定義 命名空間: Windows.Services.Maps 編輯 取得或設定位址的建築物樓層。 C# 複製 public string BuildingFloor { get; } 屬性值 String 位址的建築物樓層。 適用於 產品版本 WinRT Build 10240, Build 10586, Build 14383, Build 15063, Build 16299, Build...
-Rooftop: The geocode point was matched to the rooftop of a building.The method that was used to compute the geocode point. usageTypesusageTypeOne or more of the following values: -Display -RouteThe best use for the geocode point.
Commandline interface for building and search in memory indices Commandline examples for using in-memory streaming indices Commandline interface for building and search in memory indices with label data and filters Commandline interface for building and search SSD based indices with label data and filt...
- Basemap,Buildings: Building footprints. This layer is only visible on Road map imagery type.- OrdnanceSurvey: Ordnance Survey imagery. This layer is visible only in the UK.- TrafficFlow: Traffic flow layer. Note: mapLayer is not supported for Bird's Eye imagery. Example: mapLayer=Traffic...
Static map metadata: To get the size and center point of the image and the locations and size of the pushpins on the map, set the mapMetadata parameter to 1 (true). When you request static map metadata, the metadata is returned instead of the map image.URL...
Fixed building on Visual Studio 17.12. Upgraded the System.IO.Abstractions dependency to 21.0.29. Thanks @davidegiacometti! Upgraded the WindowsAppSDK dependency to 1.6.241114003. Thanks @shuaiyuanxx! Upgraded the MSTest dependency to 3.6.3. Thanks @Youssef1313! Upgraded the check-spelling CI ...