參加Microsoft Build 並完成 Microsoft Build Cloud 技能挑戰賽的合格個人可以使用此測驗優惠。 此測驗供應項目可兌換以參加一 (1) 個 Microsoft 認證測驗,其可透過在授權的 Pearson Vue 測驗中心或 Pearson Vue 線上監考網站進行。 此測驗優惠僅限測驗使用,且只能兌換特定的 Microsoft 測驗。 此測...
2024년 5월 Microsoft Build: Microsoft Fabric Cloud Skills Challenge 등록 2024년 5월 21일부터 Microsoft Build: Microsoft Fabric Cloud Skills Challenge에 등록하여 DP-600 시험을 준비하고 Fabric Analytics Engineer Associate 인증에 대한 기술을 향상...
感謝您參加 Microsoft Ignite 並完成 Microsoft Ignite 雲端技能挑戰賽。 所有完成至少一項挑戰的 Microsoft Ignite 參與者都有資格參加免費的認證測驗,但要遵守條款及條件,以協助您繼續精進技能並向雇主與同儕證明您的技術專業知識。 詳細資料 免費認證測驗可於 2020 年 10 月 14 日開始兌換,有效期至 ...
Microsoft Learn at Microsoft Build 2020 Register and join us online to participate in skilling opportunities throughout the event. You’ll have the chance to engage with Microsoft Learn modules in a team environment, compete for prizes in the Microsoft Build Cloud Ski...
Register for the Microsoft AI Skills Challenge here: https://aka.ms/AISkillsChallengeExperiences \n\n As you go through the challenges, you'll have the opportunity to try out new experiences that are suited to your learning preferences and goals. Join your local active technical community, atte...
获得Microsoft 凭证 准备好获得基于角色的 Microsoft 认证并通过特定场景的 Microsoft Applied Skills 评估,以展示你的熟练程度。 这些 Microsoft 凭证受行业信任且已经过验证,不仅展示了你的专业知识,还有助于你在当前和以后的职场中大展身手。 详细了解 Microsoft 凭证...
What was the Cloud AI Research Challenge? The Cloud AI Research Challenge invited any researcher—from students to academics to employees of public and private organizations—to build AI applications on Microsoft AI services, using at least one of Microsoft’s AI-supporting services, including Azure...
如需更多关于微软零售解决方案的信息,请访问: https://www.microsoft.com/enterprise/industry/retail-hospitality/default.aspx。 如需更多了解微软嵌入式零售行业解决方案,请访问: https://www.microsoft.com/windowsembedded/zh-cn/about/solutions/retail-solutions.mspx。
Regardless of which cloud you use, or if you are working on-premises, importing production images to a private registry is a best practice that puts you in control of the authentication, availability, reliability and performance of image pulls. AI for Good: Developer challenge Do you have an ...
Pursue your dream of an aviation career with Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024. This brand-new simulator is designed to take advantage of the latest technologies in simulation, cloud, machine learning, graphics and gaming to create the most sophisticated, immersive and awe-inspiring flight simulator of...