如果系统提示您输入管理员密码或进行确认,请键入密码,或单击 "继续"。 若要在 Windows XP 中打开服务的 Microsoft 管理控制台(MMC)管理单元,请依次单击 "开始"、"运行",键入 Services.msc,然后单击"确定"。 双击"蓝牙支持服务"。 如果已停止蓝牙支持服务,请单击 "开始"。
Applies ToMicrosoft accessories Windows 10 Windows 8.1 Windows 7 If your Microsoft or Surface mouse or keyboard isn’t working, doesn’t appear in the list of Bluetooth devices when you pair the mouse, or you see an error message during pairing, here are some troublesh...
Dear All, While this may not be the required case in production. However, on my standalone laptop, I have installed Windows Server 2022 Datacenter Edition(GUI). Wireless Network is working which h...Show More Bluetooth Miracast Wireless Wireless Display Lik...
I have a Logitech MX5000 (Bluetooth keyboard/mouse). Since the Windows 10 install, I am getting a driver error. Is there any known fix? All replies (5) Monday, August 24, 2015 10:48 PM ✅Answered This worked for me. Go to Device Manager. ...
I just installed 2022 and says I have no bluetooth. I have bluetooth dongel installed it is working mouse and kb. I HAVE to have bluetooth. ...
若要将蓝牙设备与 Windows 配对,Windows 设备需要具有蓝牙。 大多数 Windows 设备已内置蓝牙。 如果 Windows 设备没有蓝牙,可将 USB 蓝牙适配器插入 Windows 设备上的 USB 端口以添加蓝牙。 Windows 11Windows 10 修复Windows 中的蓝牙问题将硬件设备添加到 Windows 设备。
Hi, I'm working on WinUI2 application with Xaml Island in C++. Suppose we've one draggable TextBlock and when we drag it, we can see some preview moving with the mouse pointer moving. In order to set that preview I'm doing in DragStarting handler as… Universal Windows Platform (UWP)...
Universal Windows Platform (UWP) A Microsoft platform for building and publishing apps for Windows desktop devices. 3,019 questions 1 answerOne of the answers was accepted by the question author. Unpairing a Bluetooth LE is not working I use VS C++ 2015-2022 Redistributable (x64) 14.40.33810...
Unpairing a Bluetooth LE is not working I use VS C++ 2015-2022 Redistributable (x64) 14.40.33810 with Windows SDK version 10.0.226100.3233, I am able to pair with a BLE device using the UWP API, but I have had absolutely no luck in unpairing the device. I am in need of an urgent ...