針對每個配對的 HFP 裝置,Windows HFP 驅動程式會在 GUID_DEVINTERFACE_BLUETOOTH_HFP_SCO_HCIBYPASS 介面類別中註冊並啟用裝置介面。 下列條件適用於 HFP 裝置: 當Windows 在開機) 期間啟動 HFP 驅動程式 (時,HFP 驅動程式會註冊並啟用每個配對 HFP 裝置的介面。
The Bluetooth Hands-Free Profile (HFP) depends on the on the Generic Access Profile (GAP) and the Serial Port Profile (SPP). HPF defines the requirements for using a mobile device, such as a cellular phone, in conjunction with a hands-free device over a Bluetooth link. The mobile device...
The Bluetooth Hands-Free Profile (HFP) depends on the on the Generic Access Profile (GAP) and the Serial Port Profile (SPP). HPF defines the requirements for using a mobile device, such as a cellular phone, in conjunction with a hands-free device over a Bluetooth link. The mobile device...
Windows Embedded NavReady supports the Bluetooth Hands-Free Profile (HFP). This enables a portable navigation device (PND) to be used together with a mobile phone to make voice calls.With support for HFP, a PND becomes a hands-free device that can connect to and control a paired mobile ...
(1607) Préjumeler des appareils Bluetooth lors de la fabrication : offre une expérience de première exécution transparente qui permet aux appareils Bluetooth de fonctionner simplement. (1703) Spécification Hands-Free Profile (HFP) 1.6 avec téléphonie large bande sur les éditions Windows 10 po...
The Bluetooth Hands-Free Profile (HFP) depends on the on the Generic Access Profile (GAP) and the Serial Port Profile (SPP). HPF defines the requirements for using a mobile device, such as a cellular phone, in conjunction with a hands-free device over a Bluetooth link. The mobile device...
< DeviceCapability >: Name屬性必須是 "藍牙. rfcomm",才能存取藍牙 Rfcomm 裝置或 "bluetooth. genericAttributeProfile" 以存取藍牙 GATT 裝置。 < 裝置 >:識別碼屬性必須指定廠商/產品識別碼或製造商/型號,或可以是 "any",以允許存取任何符合該函式類型的裝置。 < Function >: Type屬性可以指定服務名...
Bluetooth Hands-Free 프로필이 사용되었습니다. 테스트는 Surface Headphones 2가 호스트 장치에서 연결이 끊어 질 때까지 Microsoft Teams 통화로 전체 Surface Headphones 2 배터리 방전으로 구성되었습니다. 배...
HoloLens 2 supports the Bluetooth A2DP audio profile for stereo playback. The Bluetooth Hands Free profile that enables microphone capture from a Bluetooth peripheral isn't supported on HoloLens 2.If you're having trouble using a Bluetooth device, make sure that it's a supported device. ...
public static bool BluetoothStateHandsFreeControl { get; } Thread Safety Any public static (Sharedin Visual Basic) members of this type are thread-safe. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread-safe. See Also Reference SystemState Class ...