當BitLocker 無法自動解除鎖定 Windows 中的加密磁碟驅動器時,需要BitLocker 修復金鑰。 此金鑰是 48 位數的數位,用來重新取得磁碟驅動器的存取權。 啟動時,系統可能會提示您輸入 BitLocker 修復金鑰,因為安全性風險或硬體變更: 您可能需要提供數據或外部磁碟驅動器的 BitLocker 修復金鑰,例如,如果您忘記解除鎖定密碼...
: BitLockerKeysListOptionalParams): PagedAsyncIterableIterator<DriveBitLockerKey, DriveBitLockerKey[], PageSettings> 参数 jobName string 导入/导出作业的名称。 resourceGroupName string 资源组名称唯一标识用户订阅中的资源组。 options BitLockerKeysListOptionalParams 选项参数。 返回 PagedAsyncIterableIterator...
BitLocker 回復キーは、Windows で暗号化されたドライブのロックを自動的に解除できない場合に必要です。 このキー (48 桁の数字) は、ドライブへのアクセスを回復するために使用されます。 セキュリティ リスクまたはハードウェアの変更により、起動時に BitLocker 回復キーの入力を求められる...
BitLocker-managed keys, which are short-lived and tied to the lifetime of an operating system instance installed on a server or to a given disk. These keys are deleted and reset during server reinstallation or disk formatting. BitLocker recovery keys, which are managed outside of BitLocker but...
您可以從 Microsoft Intune 系統管理中心取得租使用者連結裝置的 BitLocker 修復密鑰。 例如,沒有 Configuration Manager 存取權的技術支援中心技術人員,可以使用網頁型系統管理中心來協助終端使用者取得其裝置的修復密鑰。 先決條件 Configuration ...
We wondered if there is a registry key that will let us know if bitlocker is enabled or not. We noticed that there are registry keys created upon encrypting the drive, but subsequently after disabling drive encryption we see that the registry keys remain
We store BitLocker keys in AAD and MEM and this works fine for all makes except MS Surface Devices.Reports state they are encrypted but keys are not stored...
Prior to Windows Server 2012 R2 and Windows 8.1, when you enabled FIPS compliancy for system cryptography, BitLocker prevented the creation or use of recovery passwords and instead forced the user to use recovery keys. Now, the user can use their BitLocker recovery password to unlock the system...
BitLocker key rotation remote action in the Microsoft Endpoint Manager admin center This method will remove all the keyson the deviceand backup a single key to either AzureADoron-premisesActive Directory. Configuring BitLocker recovery settings
The BitLocker keys are unique to the TPM and operating system drive, so if you want to prepare a backup operating system or data drive for use in case of disk failure, you need to make sure that they were matched with the correct TPM. You can also configure different hard drives for ...