使用Microsoft 必应进行搜索,并利用 AI 的强大功能查找信息、浏览网页、图像、视频、地图等。为永远充满好奇心的人提供的智能搜索引擎。
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public abstract BingImages.BingImagesSearchDefinitionStages.WithExecute withFreshness(Freshness freshness) Filter images by the following discovery options. Day: Return images discovered by Bing within the last 24 hours. Week: Return images discovered by B...
File Name: BingWallpaper.exe File Size: 13.2 MB Discover a new place each day Bing Wallpaper includes a collection of beautiful images from around the world that have been featured on the Bing homepage. Not only will you see a new image on your desktop each day, but you can also browse...
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I’m enjoying watching the social dynamics of the bing photo contest play out.Some photos are bubbling up because they are generally good Others beacuse people ask their friends to rate them high.If you start Rating Photos Yourself you will realize how poor the quality is of most of the ...
Get started today to see how AI-powered search can help you do more of what matters. 示例: https://www.bing.com/images/create?FORM=IRPGEN 使用Copilot - Designer,来生成图像。 输入“放风筝的女孩”,得到结果如下: 参考: What is Copilot (formerly Bing Chat), and How Can You Use It? |...
Microsoft’s newly revamped Bing search engine can write recipes and songs and quickly explain just about anything it can find on the internet.
Microsoft is fusing ChatGPT-like technology into its search engine Bing, transforming an internet service that now trails far behind Google into a new way of communicating with artificial intelligence.