I was able to finally fix the issue of Bing settings not saving after closing Edge. This is for desktops. I have Windows 11.The issue as I understand it, at least for me, was Edge clearing caches when closing. In doing so, it clears "Cookies and other site data,"...
Insert the null character string in between each URL (e.g https://www.bing.comwww.contoso.com). Save the XML file. Open the project again in Windows Configuration Designer. Export the package. Ensure you don't revisit the created policies under Kiosk Browser or else the null character...
Enabled or not configured(default) 1 1 Allowed ADMX info and settings ADMX info GP English name: Allow Saving History GP name: AllowSavingHistory GP path: Windows Components/Microsoft Edge GP ADMX file name: MicrosoftEdge.admx MDM settings MDM name: Browser/AllowSavingHistory Supported devices:...
ID="Bing" ID="Excel" ID="Groove" ID="Lync" ID="OneDrive" ID="OneNote" ID="Outlook" ID="OutlookForWindows" ID="PowerPoint" ID="Publisher" ID="Teams" ID="Word" Property element Defines certain Microsoft 365 Apps behaviors and properties. ...
FamilySafetySettingsEnabled 允許使用者設定家庭安全與兒童模式 FavoritesBarEnabled 啟用我的最愛列 FetchKeepaliveDurationSecondsOnShutdown 擷取關機時的存留持續時間 FileOrDirectoryPickerWithoutGestureAllowedForOrigins 允許在沒有事先用戶手勢的情況下呼叫檔案或目錄選擇器 API ForceBingSafeSearch 強制執行 Bing 安全搜尋...
The quickest way to translate the occasional email is to copy and paste the text inhttps://www.bing.com/translator If you translate emails on a regular basis, install theTranslator for Outlook add-in. How to translate conversations with more than two people using the multi-device conversation...
Fixes an issue in which the theme radio buttons present in the Change the look settings page aren't selected automatically when navigating with the up or down arrow. This security update also contains fixes for the following nonsecur...
With your Office 365 account, your documents, preferences, and other settings follow you across the PCs, tablets, smartphones, and even web browsers that you use. So you can pick up right where you left off, anytime and anywhere. Productivity Guide Become a Pro in SharePoint Online ...
MSDN Magazine: Location-Aware Programming - Visualizing Bing Routes on Windows Phone 7 MSDN Magazine: Debugger Engine API - Writing a Debugging Tools for Windows Extension, Part 2: Output MSDN Magazine: Cutting Edge - Code Contracts Settings in Visual Studio 2010 MSDN Magazine: UI Frontiers - Sil...
to 'Bing Shopping,' the page itself jumps straight to the top instead of leaving it where I had left off. Also, I would like to note that the thought of shortening "Bing Shopping" to "B.S" would NOT be a good idea. What if 'it' were to be labeled/ called "Bing's ShoppingHUNT...