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SurferOnWww3,616Reputation points 2 answers Why am I receiving an error that says my account is not associated with "Microsoft Services"? Has anyone received the error below when trying to log into the 'Azure Pricing Calculator'? I'm 'all-of-a-sudden' receiving the following error when tr...
hasGivenKudo":false,"subscribed":false,"board":{"__ref":"Forum:board:Bing"},"subject":"Re: Points","readOnly":false,"editFrozen":false,"moderationData":{"__ref":"ModerationData:moderation_data:2440499"},"parent":{"__ref":"ForumReplyMessage:message:2423399"},"body":"Not working yet...
Primarily because, as a flexible layout newbie, I wanted to first make sure I got the core layout in place (and working great across all browsers) with known pixel values. My logic was that I could slowly make things proportional and test along the way, knowing what my baseline (the ...
romungi-MSFT48,126Reputation points•Microsoft Employee 0 answers Bing speech Text to speech is not working Azure bing speech from text to speech is not working. Error 404 Failed to load resoursce : The server responded with a status of 400: https://speech.platform.bing.com/synthesize The...
(Code Snippet – Using Bing Maps – Ex 1 Task 2 Step 13 –CredentialsProvider Field)C#C# 複製 private readonly CredentialsProvider _credentialsProvider = new ApplicationIdCredentialsProvider(App.Id); **注意:**如果沒有為 Microsoft.Phone.Controls.Maps 添加 using 陳述句,你應該透過使用完整類別名稱或...
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