DesktopBackground 指定用于桌面背景的图形文件的路径。 桌面背景图像可以位于 %windir% 下的任何子文件夹中。 只能在默认主题中设置桌面背景。图像将裁剪以适应显示器大小,同时保留图像的纵横比。选择一个在裁剪为计算机常用纵横比后看起来不错的图像。 在大多数情况下,建议使用 1920x1200 的图像,图像的焦点靠近中心...
更改桌面背景是一种简单而有效的方法,可以个性化你的 Windows 设备,使其感觉更像你自己的设备。 无论你喜欢宁静的风景、喜欢的照片还是纯色,Windows 都提供各种选项来自定义你的桌面以适应你的风格。 下面是更改桌面背景的步骤: 在Windows 设备上的“设置”应用中, 选择“个性化”或使用以下快捷方式: 个性化 提示:...
DesktopBackground specifies the path to a graphic file that is used for the desktop background.The image will be cropped to fit the size of your display, while preserving the aspect ratio of the image. This corresponds to the option: Picture Position: Fill in the Desktop Background page in...
Slideshow: Select a folder of images to cycle through as your desktop background. You can set the interval for how often the images change, and if you want to shuffle the pictures. Additionally, you can right-click on the desktop and selectNext desktop backgroundto move to the ...
Windows 中的锁屏界面充当启动设备或将其从睡眠状态唤醒时遇到的初始界面。 它要求生物识别手势、PIN 或密码才能访问桌面,从而提供一层安全保护。 除了安全功能外,锁屏界面还具有高度自定义性,允许你通过不同的背景图像(例如单个图片、幻灯片放映或 Windows 聚焦中的动态内容)对其进行个性化设置。 还可以添加有用的信息...
Meet a great personalization app, which provides you with a wide collection of animated backgrounds to suit your taste, as well as an option to create your own video wallpapers! Make your desktop stand out or choose a relaxing wallpaper to concentrate be
Meet a great personalization app, which provides you with a wide collection of animated backgrounds to suit your taste, as well as an option to create your own video wallpapers! Make your desktop stand out or choose a relaxing wallpaper to concentrate be
이 섹션에서는 Windows 구성 디자이너를 사용하여 Windows 10 프로비전 패키지를 구성할 수 있는 DesktopBackgrounAndColors 설정에 대해 설명합니다.
To get a desktop background, click Get it now, right-click the image, and then click Set as background.Get them at my favorites blogs:Designing...
Effects and avatarson the desktop, or Background effectsonline. Select an image underBackgroundsor chooseMore video effectsfor a larger gallery. Choose a background image, Add new, Standard blur, Decorate, or None. To use a personal image, seeAdd a custom background image. ...