了解Azure 服务运行状况 通过Azure Monitor 获取前瞻性 通过主动识别问题,收集、分析并处理遥测数据,以最大限度地提升应用程序性能和可用性。如果你已是 Azure 客户,请登录已开始使用并设置警报。 了解Azure Monitor 使用Azure 顾问进行优化 接收个性化的建议和最佳做法,以根据你对使用情况的分析来优化 Azure 资源。对于...
Learn about the types of Microsoft Azure support resources that are available to you. View Azure support plans and options to get started right away.
检查Azure 通信服务运行状况可以在 Azure 服务运行状况门户上查看 Azure 通信服务解决方案的运行状况。 如果遇到 Azure 通信服务解决方案问题,请首先检查服务运行状况门户。 然后,可以在致电支持人员或花时间进行故障排除之前,确定该问题是否是有解决方法的众所周知的问题。
要叫用之 Azure 函式的 URL。 範例: https://azurefunctionapp.azurewebsites.net/api/HttpTriggerJS1.key - 函式索引鍵 string. 必要。 用來存取和叫用函式的函式或主機密鑰。 若要保護金鑰安全,請使用秘密管線變數來儲存函式密鑰。 範例: $(myFunctionKey). myFunctionKey 是環境層級的秘密變數,其值為秘...
本文介绍尝试在 Microsoft Azure、Office 365 或 Microsoft Intune 中重置密码时收到错误消息的问题。原始产品版本:Microsoft Entra ID、Microsoft Intune、云服务(Web 角色/辅助角色) 原始KB 数: 2951259现象尝试在 Azure Microsoft、Microsoft 办公室 365 或 Microsoft Intune 中重置密码时,会收到...
In Azure App Service support we see a lot of customers utilizing the power of Azure Resource Manager...Date: 05/23/2018Azure Durable FunctionsThis blogs talks about how to create a simple Durable Function App.There are three components to......
Break-fix support For a comprehensive view of support plans in Azure in China, seeAzure in China Support Plans. Note that the following support plans don't currently extend to China: Professional Direct or Azure Rapid Response in public Azure. ...
Please note that support cases for Surface business devices may only be initiatedonline. Select a region below to find a customer service phone number in your country/territory. Last updated: January 30, 2025 ...
了解Azure Databricks 中的 SQLSTATE 错误。 SQLSTATE 是 JDBC、ODBC 和其他客户端 API 使用的错误条件的 SQL 标准编码。
Azure webinar seriesImprove Customer Service with Call Center Analytics Register for free Please fill out this form. *required fields On Demand Watch this webinar to help your business improve the customer service experience and draw deeper insights from customer interactions. Learn how to build ...