What does switching Azure offers do to my service and billing?Here are the details of what happens when you switch Azure offers.No service downtimeThere's no service downtime for any users associated with the subscription. However, the offer you switch to may have restrictions. For instance,...
See details about the Microsoft Azure EA Sponsorship offer. This offer is available to select customers by email invitation only.
Explore special Microsoft Azure offers with more than 20 incentive offers and programs to help with your migration, grow your business, and optimize your costs.
Understand common Azure subscription and service limits, quotas, and constraints. This article includes information about how to increase limits along with maximum values.
publicclassAzureSubscription AzureSubscription 类型公开以下成员。 构造函数 名称描述 AzureSubscription 页首 属性 名称描述 Id Name 页首 方法 页首 线程安全 此类型的任何公共 static(在 Visual Basic 中为 Shared) 成员都是线程安全的。但不保证所有实例成员都是线程安全的。
To use Azure, you must have an Azure subscription. There are several ways to procure an Azure subscription. You can obtain an Azure subscription as part of an Enterprise agreement, or through a Microsoft reseller or Microsoft partner. Users can also open a personal free account for a trial ...
To use Azure, you must have an Azure subscription. There are several ways to procure an Azure subscription. You can obtain an Azure subscription as part of an Enterprise agreement, or through a Microsoft reseller or Microsoft partner. Users can also open a personal free account for a trial ...
A Windows Azure subscription has two aspects:The Windows Azure account, through which resource usage is reported and services are billed. The subscription itself, which governs access to and use of the Windows Azure services that are subscribed to. The subscription holder manages services (Windows ...
“Microsoft Azure 服务”在在线服务条款中定义。 “非 Microsoft 产品”在在线服务条款中定义。 “产品/服务详细信息”是指适用于订阅产品/服务的定价和相关条款,如门户中所发布。 “联机服务”是指您按照本协议订阅的由 Microsoft 托管的任何服务。 “在线服务条款”是指您使用产品时适用的条款,具体在 Microsoft 许...
“门户”是指可在Azure 门户或在我们指定的替代网站上找到的联机服务的相应网站。 “产品”是指任何联机服务(包括任何软件)。 “SLA”是指我们在交付和/或履行联机服务方面所做的承诺,发布在Microsoft 服务级别协议 (SLA)或我们确立的替代网站上。 “软件”是指我们通过订阅一部分的形式提供给您以在设备上安装的 ...