管理数据资源 Azure Blob 存储 无论是存储大量非结构化数据、公开披露数据,还是以非公开方式存储应用程序数据,都可使用存储资源管理器管理你的资源。 立即管理 Azure Data Lake Storage 访问和管理大量非结构化数据及其其他 Azure 实体(例如 blob 和队列)。 立即管理 ...
Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer (Preview) is a standalone app from Microsoft that allows you to easily work with Azure Storage data. Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer is available for OS X, Linux, and Windows (and it's free) Download for Windows ...
Storage Overview Storage - Blobs (deprecated) Storage - Files Share (deprecated) Storage - Queues (deprecated) WindowsAzure Storage (deprecated) Overview Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Auth Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Blob Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Blob.Protocol Microsoft...
如何创建你的Azure Storage存储:https://www.windowsazure.cn/zh-cn/manage/services/storage/how-to-create-a-storage-account/ 如何查看你的存储帐号及密码:https://www.windowsazure.cn/zh-cn/manage/services/storage/how-to-manage-a-storage-account/#regeneratestoragekeys 进一步单独了解WAS提供的编程接口和访...
Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer overview Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer helps you upload, download, and manage Azure blobs, files, queues, and tables, as well as Azure Cosmos DB and Azure Data Lake Storage entities. Easily access virtual machine disks, and work with either Azure Resource Manager...
Microsoft.WindowsAzure.StorageClient.dll ? All replies (2) Monday, September 17, 2018 7:21 AM Hi, You can download the package from the link below: https://www.nuget.org/packages/WindowsAzure.Storage/ To install Windows Azure Storage, run the following command in the Package Manager Consol...
Azure-Disk-Storage-Overview 将投资和业务影响最大化 优化成本并获取工作负载所需的精确数据存储量。磁盘选项的大小为 4 GB 到 64 TB,价格定位和性能特征各不相同。通过增量快照来减少备份和灾难恢复的时间和成本,这些增量快照是磁盘的时间点备份,只包含快照之间的更改。将基于 Windows 和 Linux 的群集式应用程序或...
探索Windows Azure Storage 發行項 2021/10/20 意見反應 本文內容 概觀 目標 先決條件 安裝設定 顯示其他 3 個 概觀 儲存服務 (Storage services) 在 Windows Azure 運算模擬器中提供了可永續保存並強固的儲存能力,並且包含了 blob,table 與 queue 等服務。另外,使用 Windows Azure Drives,您執行於雲端...
Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer is a standalone software for Windows, macOS, and Linux that makes working with Azure Storage data simple. You’ll learn how to connect to and manage your Azure storage accounts in this blog. What Is Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer?
The official Microsoft Download Center. Featuring the latest software updates and drivers for Windows, Office, Xbox and more. Operating systems include Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, and Android.