Azure AI Services Azure AI Foundry Azure AI Content Safety Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) Azure Arc Azure Local AI + machine learning Azure Machine Learning Azure AI Services Azure AI Model Catalog Azure OpenAI Service Azure AI Language Azure AI Foundry Azure AI Vision Az...
If you’ve used a web-based email service such as Outlook, Hotmail, or Yahoo! Mail, then you’ve already used a form of SaaS. With these services, you log into your account over the Internet, often from a web browser. The email software is located on the service provider’s ...
Actionable and authoritative guidance that applies Well-Architected best practices as the technical foundation for building and operating a SaaS solution on Azure at-scale.
Actionable and authoritative guidance that applies Well-Architected best practices as the technical foundation for building and operating a SaaS solution on Azure at-scale.
我們非常高興地向大家宣布一項全新的服務 - Azure App 服務 (Azure App Service),這項服務提供一種強大而完整的應用程式開發解決方案。Azure App 服務是一項整合式的服務,讓您能夠在任何平台或裝置上,建立網頁式與行動裝置式的應用程式,同時,您能夠輕易地整合其他軟體即服務 (Software as a Service, SaaS) 的服務...
SaaS(Software as a Service) 核心服务:Microsoft 365(以前称为Office 365)是Azure的主要SaaS产品,提供了Word、Excel、PowerPoint、Teams等办公应用,结合了强大的协作和安全功能。 特点:Microsoft 365 深受企业用户的喜爱,尤其是那些依赖微软生态系统的企业。
Azure DevOps is a complete solution for software development, from planning to building to...Date: 10/25/2018Call Azure AD protected website using Managed Service Identity (MSI)Lets say you have Web APIs hosted in an Azure AppService and these Web APIs are protected using......
For the purpose of the following architecture discussion, let’s imagine the offering is a Software as a Service (SaaS) for air conditioners. While the scenario is fictitious and so are all the numbers, the patterns and magnitudes are fairly close to actual scenarios that the Azure team is ...
由NetApp 提供支持的企业级 Azure 文件共享 Azure NetApp 文件 用于缓存本地数据的混合云文件共享 Azure 文件同步 云存储网关,用于在云和边缘之间轻松高效地传输数据 Azure Stack Edge 用于快速且经济高效地将数据传入和传出 Azure 的设备和解决方案 Azure Data Box 弹性SAN 是在 Azure 上构建的云原生存储区域...
弹性SAN 是在 Azure 上构建的云原生存储区域网络 (SAN) 服务。获取对端到端体验(如本地 SAN)的访问权限。Azure 弹性 SAN 管理有状态容器应用程序的永久存储卷Azure 容器存储预览版 大规模简化存储数据管理任务Azure 存储操作 "实现超级磁盘存储后,我们便迎来顿悟时刻。我们知道一开始迁移到云将很具有挑战性。但是,当...