Azure architecture icons Microsoft 365 icons Microsoft Dynamics 365 icons Microsoft Power Platform iconsTypes of design diagramsWorkload architecture is complex and multidimensional. Each dimension type focuses on a specific aspect of the system by providing a level of detail that's specific to that ...
Helping our customers design solutions is core to the Azure Architecture Center's mission. Architecture diagrams like those included in our guidance can help communicate design decisions and the relationships between components of a given workload. On this page, you'll find an official collection of...
Find architecture diagrams and technology descriptions for reference architectures, real world examples of cloud architectures, and solution ideas for common workloads on Azure.
However, you can download Azure architecture icons, which enables you to create your own Azure diagrams with symbols and icons to represent your cloud system. Note: Creating and editing Azure diagrams on Visio for the web requires a Visio Plan 1 or Visio Plan 2 license. For more information,...
However, you can download Azure architecture icons, which enables you to create your own Azure diagrams with symbols and icons to represent your cloud system. Note: Creating and editing Azure diagrams on Visio for the web requires a Visio Plan 1 or Visio Plan 2 license. For more information,...
此体系结构在使用Azure Synapse 进行端到端分析(示例场景)的基础上进行了拓展。 在此场景中,自定义机器学习模型可以在机器学习中进行训练。 然后,你可通过使用 Microsoft Power Platform 生成的自定义应用程序来实现该模型。机器学习在机器学习开发中充当低代码 GUI 的角色。 它具有自动化机器学...
分析体系结构设计Azure Synapse Analytics Power BI 随着数据的指数增长,组织依赖于 Azure 的无限计算、存储和分析能力来缩放、流式传输、预测和查看其数据。 分析解决方案将大量数据转化为有用的商业智能 (BI),例如报表和可视化效果,以及创造性的人工智能 (AI),例如基于机器学习的预测。
查找参考体系结构的体系结构图和技术说明、云体系结构的真实示例以及适用于 Azure 上常见工作负载的解决方案构想。
Azure DevOps 微服务是一种流行的体系结构类型,用于构建可复原、高度可缩放、可独立部署且能快速演变的应用程序。 但是,成功的微服务体系结构需要利用不同的方法来设计和生成应用程序。 微服务体系结构由一系列小型的自治服务组成。 每个服务都是自包含服务,并且应在边界上下文中实现单个业务功能。 边界上下文是业务内的...
部署模式简介 - Training 部署模式简介 认证 Microsoft Certified: Azure Solutions Architect Expert - Certifications 作为Microsoft Azure 解决方案架构师,你要向利益干系人提供建议,并将业务需求转化为符合 Azure 架构良好的框架和云采用框架的 Azure 解决方案设计。