Microsoft Authenticator - 可将任何 iOS 或 Android 手机变成强大的无密码凭据,从而使用户可以登录到任何平台或浏览器。 符合FIDO2 的安全密钥 - 适用于登录到共享计算机(例如展台)的用户、手机使用受限的用户以及高特权标识。 Windows Hello 企业版 - 最适合拥有专用 Windows 计算机的用户。
使用Authenticator 应用的 Microsoft Entra 多重身份验证 Windows 10 Hello 企业版 证书身份验证 外部身份验证提供程序 概念 主要身份验证的真正含义是,它是系统在附加因素之前首先提示用户输入的因素。 以前,AD FS 中唯一可用的主要方法是 Active Directory 或 Microsoft Entra 多重身份验证或其他 LDAP 身份验...
本主题介绍 Microsoft Authenticator 推送通知中的数字匹配如何提高用户登录安全性。 数字匹配是 Authenticator 中对传统第二因素通知的一项关键安全升级。 从2023 年 5 月 8 日开始,所有 Authenticator 推送通知都启用了数字匹配。 随着相关服务的部署,启用了 Authenticator 推送通知的全球用户将开始在其审批请求中看到数字...
Microsoft Authenticator 可以用來在不使用密碼的情況下登入任何 Microsoft Entra 帳戶。 Microsoft Authenticator 會使用金鑰型驗證來啟用與裝置 (該裝置會使用 PIN 或生物特徵辨識) 繫結的使用者認證。Windows Hello 企業版會使用類似的技術。 這項驗證技術可用於任何裝置平台,包括行動裝置。 這項技術也可以用於...
Easily move personal accounts to a new device with encrypted cloud backup in Microsoft Authenticator. Learn more Learn more about Microsoft Authenticator Conveniently and securely sign in to all your online accounts using multifactor authentication, passwordless sign-in or password autofill with Microsoft...
Microsoft Authenticator 支持 iOS、Android ,以及 Chrome 插件。与 Microsoft Edge深度融合,并实现对桌面端Windows、OSX 和 Linux 的支持。
Note:Before you can use Authenticator as a way to sign in, you need todownload the appand have alreadyadded Authenticator to your accounts. Using Authenticator as a way to sign in If you have turned on passwordless, two-step, or multi-factor authentication for...
If a user logs on to a Windows-based computer with a password that is compatible with LAN Manager (LM) hashes, this authenticator is present in memory. The storage of plaintext credentials in memory cannot be disabled, even if the credential providers that require them are disabled. ...
If a user logs on to a Windows-based computer with a password that is compatible with LAN Manager (LM) hashes, this authenticator is present in memory. The storage of plaintext credentials in memory cannot be disabled, even if the credential providers that require them are disabled. ...
If a user logs on to a Windows-based computer with a password that is compatible with LAN Manager (LM) hashes, this authenticator is present in memory. The storage of plaintext credentials in memory cannot be disabled, even if the credential providers that require them are disabled. ...