Microsoft Authenticator A Microsoft app for iOS and Android devices that enables authentication with two-factor verification, phone sign-in, and code generation. 7,345 questions Sign in to follow Active Directory A set of directory-based technologies included in Windows Server. 6,714 questi...
I've been using my watch to acknowledge Authenticator requests for a long time and never an issue.This isn't a show-stopper but it is annoying that I have to have my iPhone next to me to use Authenticator now (and not really being told why...)+++++ my response?The problem is trus...
If type isn't Function, this property is null/empty array. [Key <String>]: The name of the parameter. [Value <IMicrosoftGraphAttributeMappingSource>]: attributeMappingSource [Type <String>]: attributeMappingSourceType [TargetAttributeName <String>]: Name of the attribute...
But isn't there a way to "workaround" this issue, by using a custom renderer, calculating the size of the ToolBarItems? Or maybe is the simplest way is to hide the default NavigationBar and to create a custom one like I already tried?