<AsianFont [Unit] [F] [Err]> </AsianFont> Attributes Unit Optional string. Represents a unit of measure. The default is NUM. For details about NUM, seeUnits of measure. F Optional string. Represents the element's formula. This attribute can contain one of the following strings: "someFor...
Char.AsianFont[i] 其中i= <1>, 2, 3... 若要从某个程序按索引获取对 AsianFont 单元格的引用,请使用带下列参数的CellsSRC属性: 值 内容索引: visSectionCharacter 行索引: visRowCharacter+i其中i= 0、1、2... 单元格索引: visCharacterAsianFont ...
FontEastAsianWidths FontFraction FontNumeralAlignment FontNumeralStyle FontVariants FrameworkElement FrameworkTemplate FrameworkView FrameworkViewSource GridLength GridLengthHelper GridUnitType HorizontalAlignment IDataTemplateExtension IElementFactory IXamlServiceProvider ...
FontEastAsianWidths Enumeration FontFraction Enumeration FontNumeralAlignment Enumeration FontNumeralStyle Enumeration FontStretch Structure FontStretches Class FontStyle Structure FontStyles Class FontVariants Enumeration FontWeight Structure FontWeights Class ...
Text elements in Silverlight 3 running on Macintosh computers can also use the following East Asian fonts if available on the local computer: AppleGothic Gulim Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro STHeiti Font Selection The font that you specify may not necessarily be the font that Silverlight uses. Silverligh...
FontEastAsianLanguage FontEastAsianWidths FontFraction FontNumeralAlignment FontNumeralStyle FontSizeConverter FontStretch FontStretchConverter FontStretches FontStyle FontStyleConverter FontStyles FontVariants FontWeight FontWeightConverter FontWeights FrameworkCompatibilityPreferences FrameworkContentElement FrameworkElement...
Thai and East Asian text may look smaller in Windows Internet Explorer 9 than in Windows Internet Explorer 8 and earlier releases.In Internet Explorer 8, Thai and East Asian text could be rendered at a larger font size than specified when:The...
(such as Europe and the United States) are single-byte sets, and others (such as Asia) are double-byte sets. This enables the Windows NT user to switch language keyboards and type in different alphabets, including Roman, Cyrillic, Arabic, and Far East Asian alphabets. The following is a ...
While the glyphs for most characters in East Asian writing systems remain upright when set in vertical writing mode, glyphs for other characters — such as those of other scripts or for particular Western-style punctuation — are expected to be presented sideways in vertical writing.Example: As ...
<b style="font-size: 14px; font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; overflow-wrap: break-word; font-family: "Microsoft Yahei", simsun; color: rgb(0, 128, 0); pa