Microsoft Application Error Reporting是系统错误反馈,是反馈给Microsoft的,可以放行!! 00分享举报您可能感兴趣的内容广告 《热I血战歌创世》游戏——官服网站200%入口 《热I血战歌创世》是一款单职业传奇网页游戏.《热I血战歌创世》网页游戏,今日新服,免费送首充,高返高折扣,点击注册即玩! 网页游戏_今日新区__自...
Like is there a way to get SFC to actually be useful and not just say tough luck refer to cbs.log? BTW this "Microsoft Application Error Reporting" install issue is also affecting other program installs...Thanks.复制 [08/11/11,11:22:44] Microsoft Application Error Reporting: [2] ...
applicationName eventCount groupby參數可以搭配 aggregationLevel參數使用。 例如:&groupby=failureName,market&aggregationLevel=week 否 要求範例 下列範例示範數個取得錯誤報告資料的要求。 以傳統型應用程式的產品識別碼取代 applicationId值。 syntax複製 GET
You cannot assume that Microsoft Error Reporting is already installed, because it is not included with any operating system or service pack.You must use Windows Installer to install Microsoft Error Reporting. If your application does not use Windows Installer, you must create an MSI (Microsoft ...
This article describes how edit the registry to disable the Application Error Reporting tool. More Information Important This section, method, or task contains steps that tell you how to modify the registry. However, serious problems might occur if you modify the registr...
applicationName eventCount groupby参数可以与aggregationLevel参数结合使用。 例如:&groupby=failureName,market&aggregationLevel=week 否 请求示例 以下示例演示用于获取错误报告数据的多个请求。 将applicationId值替换为桌面应用程序的产品 ID。 syntax复制 GET
Microsoft.Windows.HangReporting.AppHangEvent此事件发送与本地和托管应用程序挂起相关的数据,以帮助使 Windows 保持最新。 它不包含任何 Watson 存储桶信息。 存储桶记录在 WER 客户端报告 Watson 服务挂起时生成的 Windows 错误报告 (WER) 事件中,并且 WER 事件包含与所报告的挂起事件相同的 ReportID(请查看挂起...
This option disables Windows Error Reporting, but allows it to prompt you to send information about application failures to Microsoft whenever a failure occurs. On theManually Configure Settingsdialog box, clickClose. To disable Windows Error Reporting by using Server Manager ...
User Mode Reporting When a user mode error occurs, such as an application error, the Error Reporting service does the following: Displays an alert stating that Windows XP detected a problem. Users can choose to report the problem or not. If they do report it, they will see that the inform...