The Microsoft To Do App sets you up for success by helping you manage, prioritize, and complete your goals and tasks.
使用“我的一天”,用智能个性化建议更新每日或每周待办事项列表,做好准备争取成功。 有了微软待办桌面应用和移动应用,很容易整天都专注于任务。 在线管理你的待办事项列表 一款名副其实的跨平台任务管理应用。无论你是在家使用桌面应用还是路途中使用移动应用,都可以访问你的任务列表并保持有条不紊。
Microsoft To Do To Do 让你从工作到娱乐都保持专注。 开始使用 了解详细信息 下载To Do To Do 的使用条款
Set yourself up for success with My Day, intelligent and personalized suggestions to update your daily or weekly to do list. With both a Microsoft to do desktop app and mobile app available, it is easy to stay on task all day long. Manage your to do list online A truly cross platform...
我们使用可选的 Cookie,通过社交媒体连接等方式改善你在我们网站上的体验,并且根据你的在线活动投放个性化的广告。 如果你拒绝可选 Cookie,则我们将仅使用为你提供服务所必须的 Cookie。 你可以单击页面底部的“管理 Cookie”更改你的选择。隐私声明 第三方 Cookie 接受 拒绝 管理Cookie ...
We fixed some bugs to improve the app experience. Download Microsoft To Do: List, Task & Reminder Download the main installation file for Armeabi-v7a program with a direct link - 25 MB .apk Download the main installation file Arm64-v8a of the program with a direct link - 26 MB ...
它融合了不少软件的优点,比如微软todo的我的一天,在这里就是Daytodo,在此基础上优化了一番。再比如,界面做到了和国外软件Todolist一样简洁有力。 和滴答清单一样,Todo清单中创建任务非常的智能,可以自动识别你的输入内容,识别出日期。另外,一些微信提醒、重复事件、子任务、分类清单这些就不用说了。
Best To-Do List App I have Found I would have to say that overall Microsoft To-Do is a fantastic app and definitely the best to-do list app I have used. They make it very easy for someone with an ever growing and changing list of things that need to be done to organize everything...
Microsoft OneNote is often seen as a tool for taking notes or organizing information, but it can also double as a powerful to-do list app. With the right approach, OneNote can become a feature-rich solution for managing your tasks and staying organized. ...