Explore new features that help you build more secure and trustworthy generative AI applications. Toolkit Responsible AI Dashboard Access a suite of tools to help you create a customized, end-to-end responsible AI experience. 1 Previous Slide Next Slide Back to Advancing AI policy section...
As artificial intelligence (AI) becomes more common, it's important to protect user privacy and data security. Microsoft and GitHub are aware of this tenet and both companies include privacy and security as key parts of their Responsible AI plan. This plan focuses on using principles t...
与其他转型技术一样,利用 AI 的优势并非无风险,Microsoft负责任 AI 计划的核心部分旨在识别潜在风险,衡量其发生倾向,并构建缓解措施来解决这些问题。 在 AI 原则和负责任的 AI Standard的指导下,我们试图识别、衡量和缓解潜在风险和滥用必应中的 Copilot,同时确保新体验提供的变革性和有益的用途。 在以下各节中...
What is responsible AI? As Artificial intelligence (AI) plays a larger role in our daily lives, it's more important than ever that AI systems are built to provide a helpful, safe, and trustworthy experience for everyone. This is why Microsoft develops and deploys technology using Responsible...
本模块概述了 Microsoft 负责任 AI 框架。 你将探索塑造 Microsoft 对道德和负责任 AI 开发承诺的原则、指南和标准。学习目标 学完本模块后,你将能够: 认识AI 系统中自适应学习的重要性。 开发相应功能用于评估明确界定的 AI 系统功能和性能期望对构建用户信任的助力。 分析用于指导 Microsoft 负责任 AI 标准 ...
Surface Laptop Go 3 Microsoft Copilot AI in Windows Explore Microsoft products Windows 11 apps Microsoft Store Account profile Download Center Microsoft Store support Returns Order tracking Certified Refurbished Microsoft Store Promise Flexible Payments ...
AI 系统应该公平对待所有人。 例如,假设你创建了一个机器学习模型来为银行的贷款审批应用程序提供支持。 该模型应在不考虑任何基于性别、种族或其他因素的偏见的情况下,对是否应批准贷款做出预测,这些偏见可能导致特定的申请人群遭受不公平的差别待遇。机器学习系统的公平性是时下研究热点,我们可以借助...
Responsible AI Toolbox is a suite of tools providing model and data exploration and assessment user interfaces and libraries that enable a better understanding of AI systems. These interfaces and libraries empower developers and stakeholders of AI system
Microsoft poprvé vydává Responsible AI Transparency Report Follow us: Check us out on RSS Share this page:Co je nového Surface Pro Surface Laptop Surface Laptop Studio 2 Surface Laptop Go 3 Microsoft Copilot Microsoft 365 Prohlédnout produkty Microsoft Microsoft Store Profil úč...
了解Microsoft 的负责任 AI 原则已完成 100 XP 6 分钟 在教育背景下,理解负责任 AI 原则至关重要,可以确保公平、安全和透明地利用 AI 系统,以增强所有学习者的能力。 在本模块中,你将了解负责任 AI 的六个指导原则,包括公平性、可靠性与安全性、隐私与安全、包容性、透明度...