Länk till Google Play (Android), Länk till App Store (iOS) Hey DAN for Intune Hey DAN (tidigare Dial-A-Note) är en Voice-to-CRM-lösning. Öka produktiviteten och mobiliteten genom att diktera dina CRM-anteckningar direkt i appen, och tekniken anger informationen direkt i...
Under förhandsversionen uppmanas kunder som använder alternativet MMA-automatisk avetablering med Azure Monitor Agent (förhandsversion) att migrera till den nya automatiska konfigurationsprocessen för Azure Monitoring Agent för SQL Server på datorer (förhandsversion). Migreringsprocess...
Therefore, process designers can now offer consistent UI patterns whenever they need to display information as part of a business process/automation. Adaptive Scopes (Retention) Adaptive scopes as a new feature is currently in preview and subject to change. The alternative option is a static scope...
Microsoft Lens & OneDrive Entreprise SharePoint Online OneNote Outlook/Exchange Personnes PowerPoint Skype Entreprise Tâches Teams To Do Vidéo Visio WordNotes L’outil de recherche de contenu eDiscovery n’est pas disponible dans Office 365 géré par 21Vianet (Chine). Cela signifie que vous ne...
Aucun navigateur sur Android n’est officiellement pris en charge avec Microsoft 365 pour le web. En guise d’alternative, envisagez d’utiliserMicrosoft 365 pour les applications Android, disponibles dans le Google Play Store. Autres appareils ...
HoloLens 電腦 行動裝置 Surface Hub 描述 暗夜帝國是一款以15世紀歐洲吸血鬼伯爵傳說為背景的及時戰鬥策略遊戲。 遊戲以黑夜風格為基調,配合世界地圖的暗黑探索玩法,構築了一個以夜晚為主題的衝突世界。 快來加入全球數百萬玩家的行列,建立城堡、組建部隊,參加史詩般的帝國對戰! 遊戲可與Google Play和iOS Store以...
No browsers on Android are officially supported with Microsoft 365 for the web. As an alternative, consider usingMicrosoft 365 for Android apps, available in the Google Play store. Other devices Most Microsoft 365 for the web features will work in the Microsoft Edge browser on Hol...
HoloLens 电脑 移动设备 Surface Hub 描述 蒙古帝国是一款多人战斗策略游戏,游戏中你可以兴建宏伟的城市,保卫你的家园,招募军队参与热血对战,攻打其他的玩家,在攻防之间体验战争的沸腾生命力。经典画面结合不同的地理地貌,玩家可自由选择城池的建立地点,和其他玩家建立联盟从此共同进退。游戏可与Google Play和iOS St...
Overall, WPS Office is a powerful and free alternative to Microsoft Office. It is a great option for students, businesses, and anyone who needs a reliable office suite. User Feedback: WPS Office is a great option for people who are looking for a free and open-source alternative to Microsof...
Microsoft has unveiled its first bespoke chips for artificial intelligence in the cloud, as developers clamour for alternative suppliers to Nvidia, which dominates the market for AI processors. Two new processors — a general-purpose chip based on Arm designs called Cobalt and a specialised AI “ac...