✅ Microsoft Phone Activation System does not work:Dear AllI have a few servers that I need to activate offline as I have no internet connectivity to these servers, I have inserted the volume license...
2: not beeing able to log into the admin area with the (i dont know where and why) generated admin profile (admin@[companysname].onmicrosoft.com). Any Help would be very much appreciated, thank you!
This is how I resolved it. Our windows 7 machines showed that error 0xC004F074 when trying to activate. We are using xendesktop and had installed Office 2016 on the "golden" image. When I tried to rearm (office16 directory ospprearm.exe), it gave me the error. Everything I tried to ...
What is the error message or error code you have got? Try to rearm the activation tool with "slmgr /rearm" and activate it again. Best regards Please mark the reply as an answer if you find it is helpful. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contacttnmff@microsoft.com...
I have a server that I am trying to install Server 2019 Standard. The Volume Licensing activation key is not working. The product was downloaded from...
You will see the activation options, follow the on-screen instructions. That's all. Not working ❓ If you areunable to launch MASusing the PowerShell method, please refer toMethod 2listed above. If MAS is launched and the script shows any errors, check for any troubleshooting steps mention...
v2.1 HWID Activation is not working This is old. Use the latest versionhttps://github.com/massgravel/Microsoft-Activation-Scripts/releases Changelog: 2.1 HWID: Added info for activation not working issue. It's not working because of server-side changes at Microsoft. Use the KMS38 option for ...
Your activation period has expired and Windows is no longer working. To use Windows you must activate this copy of Windows. Additionally, the taskbar does not appear, and you have limited access to Windows Vista programs and features.
After adding the KMS key to the host, you must activate the host over the internet or by phone using the Microsoft activation service.When working to implement KMS activation, keep in mind the following considerations:Client computers that aren't activated attempt to connect with the KMS host ...
Activation or unlicensed product issues If you have a Microsoft 365 plan, to keep it active, you have to sign in at least once every 30 days. If your subscription hasn't expired, Office will reactivate the subscription the next time you log in. ...