Applies To Microsoft account dashboard Manage sign-in Change how you sign in Turn on two-step verification Change your password Change your device PIN Manage your security Keep your account safe and secure Verify an email address Check the recent sign-in activity ...
Microsoft security help & learning Unlock now Identity protection with Microsoft Defender Microsoft 365 Family and Personal subscribers can turn on identity theft monitoring to help protect themselves and their families. Get started with Microsoft Defender identity theft monitoring...
如果在你登录到工作或学校帐户后,紧接着出现设置安全信息的提示,你可以遵循以下步骤进行设置。 仅当尚未设置组织所需的安全信息时,才会看到此提示。 如果之前已设置安全信息,但想要进行更改,请参阅添加或更新安全信息概述。 如果你在屏幕上看到的内容与本文中介绍的内容不匹配,则表示管理员尚未打开此体验。
可以按照以下步骤添加密码重置方法。 在首次设置此项后,可以返回到“安全信息”页以添加、更新或删除安全信息。 如果你在屏幕上看到的内容与本文中介绍的内容不匹配,则表示管理员尚未打开此体验。 在此体验启用之前,必须按照设置我的帐户以进行双重验证的说明和信息操作。
Microsoft 帐户连接所有 Microsoft 应用和服务。登录以管理帐户。 登录 Microsoft 精选 使用Microsoft 帐户登录时,可免费获得更多信息。 Microsoft 365 应用版 获取Outlook、Word、Excel 和 PowerPoint 的免费联机版本的访问权限。 5 GB 云存储空间 保存文件和照片,并从任意位置通过任何设备访问。
安全信息由您提供给我们的电子邮件地址和/或电话号码构成,我们将使用安全信息来验证您的身份。 全部展开 向现有 Microsoft 帐户添加安全信息 在创建您的 Microsoft 帐户时添加安全信息 这是否解决了问题? 是否 相关主题 仍然需要帮助?在线聊天或请求通话(如果可用)。 与我们联系 联系时间(新加坡时间) 电话支持星期...
Choose security and privacy settings that work best for you and rest easy with automatic alerts for unusual or suspicious account activity. Break free from passwords Make your account even more secure with optional passwordless sign-in. One place to manage it all ...
Sign in with Microsoft Sign in or create an account.Additional privacy for your saved passwordsMicrosoft Edge stores your passwords securely encrypted on your hard disk. However, someone else with access to your computer may be able to sign into your accounts using your ...
I am a free tier user and my company have join ESI program, after I link up my personal account and corporate account, I cannot activate the sandbox, it show the attached error message. Please help Microsoft Authenticator Microsoft Authenticator ...
Filling in the account recovery form can take time: try the account Sign-in Helper tool first.Sign-in Helper The steps below will help guide you when filling out the account recovery form. It can be a lengthy process as it's designed to ask questions abou...