安全信息由您提供给我们的电子邮件地址和/或电话号码构成,我们将使用安全信息来验证您的身份。 全部折叠 登录到你的帐户: Microsoft 帐户 选择“高级安全性选项”部分。 注意 系统可能会要求您通过接收来自短信或电子邮件的安全代码,然后在线输入该代码,确认您是帐户所有者。 在“验证用户身份的方法”下...
Applies ToMicrosoft account Microsoft account dashboard Add a new way to sign in To add a new way to verify your sign-in: Sign in to the Advanced security options page of your Microsoft Account.Sign in Select Add a new way to sign in or verify then choose ...
Sign In with your Microsoft account. One account. One place to manage it all. Welcome to your account dashboard.
此页描述如何从 Microsoft 帐户删除安全信息。安全信息由你提供给我们的电子邮件地址和/或电话号码构成,我们使用这些信息来验证你的真实身份。 全部折叠 在Web 浏览器中,登录您的 Microsoft 帐户: Microsoft 帐户 在“帐户”屏幕上,转到“安全”部分,然后选择“更新”。 我们将通过短信或电子邮件发送一个...
✅ Microsoft Account Contact number is incorrect, and I cannot change it:When I log onto my Microsoft account, Your Info, Contact Info, the number is one I have never seen before. If I go onto the Security it has my correct...
Account Management: Add or remove user accounts, change account settings, and manage sign-in options. System-Level Options: Configure display settings, notifications, power options, manage list of installed apps and more. Privacy & security management: configure your privacy preferences such as locatio...
Microsoft accountMicrosoft account dashboard Notes: If you know your password, but just want to change it, go toaccount.microsoft.comSecuritytab, and selectChange my password. If you know your username and password but they have stopped working, readMy username and password hav...
SecurityContact.UpdateStages SecurityContact.UpdateStages.WithAlertNotifications SecurityContact.UpdateStages.WithAlertsToAdmins SecurityContact.UpdateStages.WithEmail SecurityContact.UpdateStages.WithPhone SecurityContactList SecurityContacts SecurityFamily SecuritySolution ...
SecurityContact.UpdateStages SecurityContact.UpdateStages.WithAlertNotifications SecurityContact.UpdateStages.WithAlertsToAdmins SecurityContact.UpdateStages.WithEmail SecurityContact.UpdateStages.WithPhone SecurityContactList SecurityContacts SecurityFamily SecuritySolution ...
How to fix Unable to Add account due to unexpected error on Microsoft Authenticator when scanning QR code When scanning a QR Code to add an account in Microsoft Authenticator I receive the following message: Unable to Add Account. Unexpected Error contact your local IT Support. ...