Microsoft requires an alternate email address to send you a recovery link. If you don’t have one, create a new email account and use that. This alternate email will be used to verify your identity. You may encounter prompts like account live com acsr recover microsoft account password or ...
Tip: Recover a Local User Account Password Follow Our Daily Tips Twitter|Blog|RSS|Facebook In order to preserve access to any encrypted data and stored passwords that a user might have, it is preferable to try and recover a user password rather than change or remove the password. ...
If you've forgotten this email address, you'll need to recover it before you reset your password. Find your Microsoft account email address You can also reset your password on your Xbox console (below). If you're unable to access any of the contact methods associated with your account (...
进入Microsoft 官方链接:https://account.live.com/username/recover; 输入您当时注册时使用的电话号码或者邮箱地址,点击“下一步”获取验证码,尝试找回用户名。 输入电话号码后,若需要更改成邮箱,可以点击左下角“改为使用电子邮件”。本次操作以手机号码查找为例进行操作指引。
This article provides some options that you can use to reset or recover your password if you forget it. Be aware that, if these options don’t work, Microsoft support can't help you retrieve or circumvent a lost or forgotten password. Microsoft account Reset your Microsoft account password ...
重新登录帐户 您是谁? 若要恢复你的帐户,首先请输入你的电子邮件地址或用户名和下方图片或音频中的字符。 电子邮件地址或用户名:* 示例: user@contoso.onmicrosoft.com 或 user@contoso.com 输入图片中的字符或音频中的单词。* 下一步取消
Microsoft account 重要: 如果你已启用双重验证,并且无法访问任何备用方法来获取验证,我们无法为你提供帮助,很抱歉。 为了保护你的帐户及其内容,我们的支持代理不得发送密码重置链接,也不得访问和更改帐户详细信息。 如果尚未启用双重验证,并且尝试重置密码时无法识别任何验证电子邮件或电话选项,请使用登录帮助程序工具。
如何恢复遭到黑客攻击或受到威胁的 Microsoft 帐户 如果你的帐户遭到黑客攻击,请使用下面的登录帮助程序工具来帮助指导你使用正确的解决方案。 该工具将询问你的电子邮件地址或电话号码,并显示适当的自助,或提供与代理交谈的机会。
Visit account.live.com/username/recover. Enter your recovery email address or phone number associated with your Microsoft account. Complete the CAPTCHA challenge and click “Next.” Follow the on-screen prompts to receive a security code and recover your username or password. How do I unlock my...