Windows 安全性 應用程式中的帳戶保護Applies ToWindows 11 Windows 10 Windows 安全性 應用程式的帳戶保護頁面可讓您輕鬆存取管理用戶帳戶安全性和登入選項的工具。 帳戶保護頁面有下列區段: Microsoft帳戶:顯示您使用Microsoft帳戶登入狀態的相關信息,以及管理使用者帳戶設定的 [設定] 應用程式連結 附註...
Windows Hello 企业版 在你离开时自动锁定你的 Windows 10 电脑 如果不希望用户访问或查看这些功能的用户配置选项,还可以选择对设备的用户隐藏部分。 隐藏“帐户保护”部分 你可以通过使用组策略选择隐藏整个部分。 隐藏时,此部分不会显示在Windows 安全中心主页上,并且其图标不会显示在一侧的导航栏上。
Hide the Account protection sectionYou can choose to hide the entire section by using Group Policy. When hidden, this section doesn't appear on the home page of Windows Security, and its icon isn't shown on the navigation bar on the side....
Virus & threat protection -Monitor threats to your device, run scans, and get updates to help detect the latest threats. (Some of these options are unavailable if you're running Windows 10 in S mode.) Account protection -Access sign-in options and account settings, incl...
Create a free account Microsoft Defender89works with Windows Security to protect your PC and gives you advanced protection across devices. Download now Explore Windows 11 This is the best of Windows made better, with a Copilot for every person on every device. ...
Windows 10 Security Windows 10:A Microsoft operating system that runs on personal computers and tablets.Security:The precautions taken to guard against crime, attack, sabotage, espionage, or another threat. 3,008 questions 4 answers Cant switch back to local account ...
Windows 11 系统要求 Windows 8.1 支持终止 查找硬件保修 使用Microsoft 365 订阅实现卓越 使用AI 提高个人工作效率。 Microsoft 365 中的 Copilot 现在可帮助你对每天使用的应用执行更多操作。 详细了解你的新 AI 驱动的生产力套件 开始Copilot 之旅 购买Microsoft 365 ...
Windows 10 An overview of account policies in Windows and provides links to policy descriptions. All account policies settings applied by using Group Policy are applied at the domain level. Default values are present in the built-in default domain controller policy for Password Policy settings, Acc...
Windows 10 Security Windows 10:A Microsoft operating system that runs on personal computers and tablets.Security:The precautions taken to guard against crime, attack, sabotage, espionage, or another threat. 2,928 questions 6 answers Cant remove work or school account from personal PC ...
确保已启用篡改保护- 在 Windows 10 和 11 中,我们有一个名为“篡改保护”的功能,可防止未经授权的应用更改安全设置。 许多病毒和恶意软件在安装时尝试禁用反恶意软件或其他安全设置,以逃避检测。 有关如何确认它已打开的信息,请参阅使用Tamper Protection 防止对安全设置的更改。