Go to the Family Portal, sign in with your account, and then scroll down and select Manage my child’s profile information. Find your child’s name and select Edit this child’s personal information. Want to manage privacy and online safety settings for your child’s...
We will not knowingly ask children under that age to provide more data than is required to provide for the product. Once parental consent or authorization is granted, the child's account is treated much like any other account. Learn more about personal and school accounts in the Microsoft ...
To create a Windows LIVE ID account for a child (minor), you must provide a Windows Live email address that you can designate as a Parent account. If you do not already have a Windows Live email account, you must create one before you can create a Child accoun...
Applies ToMicrosoft account Microsoft Family Safety 可以通过将成员添加到“家庭”来创建家庭组。 登录 注意: 如果某人已是某个家庭组的一部分,则必须先 离开该组或从该组中删除,然后才能加入另一个组。 他们还可以 创建一个新的 Microsoft 帐户 以与新的家庭组相关联。 了解Microsoft家庭安全特性和优势。
登录Outlook.com、Hotmail.com、MSN.com 或 Live.com 帐户。下载免费的桌面和移动应用,在一个位置关联你的所有电子邮件帐户(包括 Gmail、Yahoo 和 iCloud)。
If you don’t agree to the new terms, you must stop using the Services, close your Microsoft account and, if you are a parent or guardian, help your minor child close his or her Microsoft account. b. Sometimes you’ll need software updates to keep using the Services. We may ...
From the Kids Passport home page, selectParents Point, and then select the option toSet up a child's .NET Passport account. Complete the registration form. For children in the United States or its territories, enter a birth date that would make the child less than 13 years of age. Ensure...
"accountClosedForUser.title":"Account Closed","accountClosedForUser.message":"{userName}'s account is closed","inviteTokenInvalid.title":"Invitation Invalid","inviteTokenInvalid.message":"Your invitation to the community has been canceled or expired.","inviteTokenError.title":"Invitation ...
If you do not agree to the new terms, you must stop using the Services, close your Microsoft account and, if you are a parent or guardian, help your minor child close his or her Microsoft account. b. Sometimes you will need software updates to keep using the Services. We may ...
For each possible setting of each applicable privilege identified in step [2], perform the following: Verify the associated activity is allowed/not-allowed based on the account privileges. For example: The title supports multiplayer, and the child account has the multiplayer privilege blocked. Verify...