You can find a forgotten Microsoft account email address by using the methods in this article. Find out the email address for a Microsoft account Collapse all If you're already signed in on an Xbox console, look in the upper-left corner of the Home screen. You should ...
Microsoft account Microsoft 帐户仪表板 当你注册 Microsoft 帐户或向帐户添加电子邮件地址时,我们将自动向该电子邮件发送请求以验证我们具有的地址正确无误。 若要完成该过程,只需访问电子邮件中的验证链接即可。 如果你需要新的验证电子邮件,请执行以下操作: 登录以管理登录到 Microsoft 的方式。 任何未经验证的别名...
转到 的 Microsoft 帐户登录页,然后输入电子邮件地址。 登录 如果你看到一条消息,指出“找不到具有该用户名的帐户”。或“该 Microsoft 帐户不存在”,则你输入的地址不是 Microsoft 帐户。 如果你认为它应该是: 检查名称和域的拼写,例如rachel或rachael...
Go to the Microsoft account sign-in page at and enter your email address. Sign in If you see a message that says "We couldn't find an account with that username." or "That Microsoft account doesn't exist", then the addre...
没有帐户?立即创建一个! 下一个 登录选项
Learn how to change the email address or phone number that’s associated with your Microsoft account.
Sign In with your Microsoft account. One account. One place to manage it all. Welcome to your account dashboard.
Sign In with your Microsoft account. One account. One place to manage it all. Welcome to your account dashboard.
Add, remove or update an email address or phone number If you want to make changes to the email addresses or phone numbers associated with your Microsoft account, use our guided support tool below to help you update the right information in...
A Microsoft account does not need a Microsoft emailThe email address used to sign into your Microsoft account can be from,, Gmail, Yahoo, or other providers.Create one now You may already have an accountYou can use an email address, Skype ID, or phone number to ...