如何更改出生日期因当前列出的年龄和需要父母或监护人同意的当地法律而异。 展开下面的部分,了解详细信息,具体取决于你的年龄或错误消息。 另请参阅 管理家长同意 具有儿童法定年龄限制的国家或地区列表 需要更多帮助吗? 无法登录?
Microsoft accountMicrosoft 帐户仪表板 如何更改出生日期因当前列出的年龄和需要父母或监护人同意的当地法律而异。 展开下面的部分,了解详细信息,具体取决于你的年龄或错误消息。 另请参阅 管理家长同意 具有儿童法定年龄限制的国家或地区列表 ...
年龄依不同国家会有差异,具体请参考微软官网说明:https://support.microsoft.com/zh-CN/home/contact?linkquery=How%20to%20change%20a%20birth%20date%20on%20a%20Microsoft%20account 解决方案 方法一:更改账户信息 如果年龄不满14岁,一般在使用微软帐户的过程(比如登入https://account.microsoft.com/ )会...
wish to change date of birth on microsoft account :) M P T, Oct 23, 2023 #1 LM Loraine Mon Win User Change my date of birth on microsoft profile Hi Alex, To change the date of birth on your Microsoft Account, you can follow the steps below: Sign in to Your info on the Mi...
However, you can't change theSelectionModeof the internal CalendarView to allow multiple selection. If you need to let a user pick multiple dates or need a calendar to be always visible, consider using a calendar view instead of a calendar date picker. See theCalendar viewarticle for more inf...
b. Your Billing Account. To pay the charges for a Service, you will be asked to provide a payment method at the time you sign up for that Service. You can access and change your billing information and payment method on the Microsoft account management website (https://go.microsoft.com...
If your app requires an account, users can sign up for an account at no charge. The use of the term free or free account is prohibited. [Must fix] You can determine whether an account is active indefinitely or for a limited time. When the account expires the ...
You can access and change your billing information and payment method on the Microsoft account management website (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=618281) and for Skype by signing into your account portal at https://skype.com/go/myaccount. Additionally, you agree to permit ...
Setting Up a Microsoft Account on an Android Device MS Word Android sign-in screen Open the Outlook app on your Android and select “Sign up for free.” Fill in the required information, such as your name, birthdate, and gender.
LastName LastName string Last Name BirthDate BirthDate string Date of birth in format: YYYY-MM-DD ExternalStakeholderReference ExternalStakeholderReference string Reference given by the calling application. This parameter will not be used by the eSignatures Portal.Skip...