Microsoft Support Microsoft 365 Office Products Devices Account & billing Resources Buy Microsoft 365 All Microsoft Search Sign in to your account Sign in Sign in with Microsoft Sign in or create an account.Microsoft Store & billing help Manage...
Welcome to Microsoft Support Trending topics Microsoft 365 Install Microsoft 365 Manage your subscriptions Manage payment and billing Microsoft account & storage Sign in to your Microsoft account Change your Microsoft account password How does Microsoft storage work?
A billing account is created when you sign up to try or buy Microsoft products. You use your billing account to manage your account settings, invoices, payment methods, and purchases. The Microsoft 365 admin center currently supports the following type of billing accounts:...
If you don't recognize a charge on your account, go to theManage your paymentspage of your Microsoft account dashboard and select "Investigate".Learn more. Here are the most likely causes for an unrecognized charge: A Microsoft subscription has recurring billing ...
If the change is the result of a transaction, including the sale of a business, a change of controls, or a divestiture or “spinoff” of a Customer Affiliate, please contact your Microsoft Seller or Microsoft support.What are billing account roles?If you have an MCA billing account type, ...
Roles on the billing account have the highest level of permissions. By default, only the user who created the billing account can access the billing account. These roles should be assigned to users that need to view invoices, and track costs for your entire organization, for example, your...
Support for Office 2010 ended More download info Account and payment Payment and billing Cancel your subscription Username and password Microsoft 365 FAQ More account info Productivity Activate Office Install Office updates Share your subscription
购买Microsoft商业产品或服务时,可以使用现有的付款方式来支付费用,或者添加新的付款方式。 可以使用信用卡或借记卡来支付购买的东西。 重要 必须使用与租户相同的国家/地区颁发的付款方式。 使用银行帐户付款的选项不再可用。 提示 如果需要有关本主题中步骤的帮助,请考虑与 Microsoft 小型企业专家合...
To manage your funds, sign in to your Microsoft account and go to the Payment & billing tab: Sign in to your Microsoft account Additional help Collapse all Here's how to pay a past-due balance on your account using a Microsoft account balance: Find your past-due subscription...
Third-Party Subscription Services Not Billed Through Microsoft. If you acquired any Product or Service through the Microsoft Store or otherwise using your Microsoft Account that is subscription-based and for which recurring billing is not administered by Microsoft, please see the terms and conditions ...