When testing the program flow, we enter a gmail account on the authentication, then the Microsoft authenticator redirects to google authentication app. And user and passwords credentials are entered, and after finishing the authentication, we get this error message: “Account already exists Yo...
The user account already exists. Explanation: You tried to create a user account with a user name that already exists. User Action: Use a different user name for the new user account. To display a list of existing user names, type NET USER....
Account name already exists. (Error 3390) Article 06/14/2014 Expand table This is a security problem. You tried to establish a user account using a name that already exists. Check the Users collection to see if the user name already exists, or try again using a different user name....
出于安全原因阻止重复使用帐户时生成的调试日志记录示例: NetpGetComputerObjectDn: Crack results: (Account already exists) DN = CN=Computer2,CN=Computers,DC=contoso,DC=com NetpGetADObjectOwnerAttributes: Looking up attributes for machine account: CN=Computer2,CN=Computers,DC=contoso,DC=com Ne...
When adding a mailbox to Outlook for Mac, you might encounter the error “Account already exists”. This error occurs because you’ve tried to add a shared mailbox through the main “Add email account” window. STATUS: WORKAROUND Close the error window and retu...
I'm working with an end user who would like to get the Teams mobile app on their device. They are currently signed into their email through the Outlook app...
StorageAccountAlreadyExists为存储帐户提供唯一名称。解决存储帐户名称错误 StorageAccountInAnotherResourceGroup为存储帐户提供唯一名称。解决存储帐户名称错误 StorageAccountNotFound检查尝试使用的存储帐户的订阅、资源组和名称。 SubnetsNotInSameVnet一个虚拟机只能有一个虚拟网络。 部署多个 NIC 时,请确保它们属于同一虚拟网...
http://blog.sqlauthority.com/2007/02/15/sql-server-fix-error-15023-user-already-exists-in-current-database/ http://blogs.msdn.com/b/sqlserverfaq/archive/2010/04/06/unable-to-create-a-login-in-sql-server-2005-and-we-get-...
StorageAccountAlreadyExists冲突 (409)此指定的存储帐户已存在于订阅下。 StorageAccountAlreadyTaken冲突 (409)此指定的存储帐户已被其他订阅占用。 StorageAccountOperationInProgress冲突 (409)存储帐户的操作正在进行中。 StorageDomainNameAlreadyActivated冲突 (409)已为另一个存储帐户激活自定义域名。
This example creates a pull subscription to a transactional publication. The Microsoft Windows account credentials used to create the Distribution Agent job are passed at runtime.C# Copy // Define the Publisher, publication, and databases. string publicationName = "AdvWorksProductTran"; string ...