Mail Nickname mailNickname string The mail alias for the user. Given Name givenName string The given name (first name) of the user. Surname surname string The user's surname (family name or last name). Account Enabled accountEnabled boolean True if the new account should be enabled. ...
Mail Nickname mailNickname string The mail alias for the user. Given Name givenName string The given name (first name) of the user. Surname surname string The user's surname (family name or last name). Account Enabled accountEnabled boolean True if the new account should be enabled. ...
Updates the friendly name or nickname for a customer's Subscription. This name appears in Partner Center to help differentiate the subscriptions in the customer's account.In Partner Center, this operation can be performed by first selecting a customer. Then, select the subscription in question ...
USER_OBJECT_ID=$(echo $USER | jq -r '.id') az ad group member add --group $GROUP_NAME --member-id $USER_OBJECT_ID 运行以下命令,为新创建的用户分配用于本模块练习的 Azure 订阅中的参与者角色: Azure CLI 复制 SUBSCRIPTION_ID=$(az account show --query id --output tsv) az role ...
SamAccountName User ID or user principal name (UPN) To enter multiple values and overwrite any existing entries, use the following syntax: Value1,Value2,...ValueN. If the values contain spaces or otherwise require quotation marks, use the following syntax: "Value1","Value2",..."ValueN"...
The new identity has "Cookies" as the authentication scheme and Nickname is the name of the claim in the provided list to be used to provide the name of the user. Role, instead, is the name of the claim in the same list determining the role. If not specified, the last two parameters...
If your card isn't already saved, you can click on Add card to enter the details including a nickname.\n\n\n\n Once you give a nickname, you will then see it appear in the autofill suggestions the next time.\n\n\n Tip: Longer nicknames may get truncated but hovering over ...
[-SamAccountName <String>] [-SCLDeleteEnabled <Boolean>] [-SCLDeleteThreshold <Int32>] [-SCLJunkEnabled <Boolean>] [-SCLJunkThreshold <Int32>] [-SCLQuarantineEnabled <Boolean>] [-SCLQuarantineThreshold <Int32>] [-SCLRejectEnabled <Boolean>] [-SCLRejectThreshold <Int32>] [-Secondary...
This is cool feature, it would be interesting if we could also group cards and add nickname. For example Group 1: Work Credit Card 1 Credit Card 2 Group 2: Home Shopping Credit Card 3 Credit Card 4 Credit Card 5
Allow user to set nickname when installing a new SSDT for VS2017 instance. Hide feature selection checkboxes of installer if no VS instance is selected. Refine some messages of installer based on customer feedback. Fix an issue that installer doesn't support upgrade. SSIS Fix an issue that Im...