Power Apps(数据流) Excel Dynamics 365 Customer Insights Analysis Services 支持的身份验证类型匿名 Windows 基本 组织帐户 函数参考文档Access.Database 备注 由于部署计划和特定于主机的功能,某些功能可能只存在于一个产品中。 先决条件 如果要从 Power Query Online 连接到 Access 数据库,则包含本地数据网关的系统...
从Power Query Online 连接到本地文件尝试使用 Power Query Online 连接到本地 Access 数据库时,即使 Access 数据库处于联机状态,也必须选择本地数据网关。本地数据网关错误必须在本地数据网关计算机上安装 64 位版本的 Access 数据库引擎 OLEDB 提供程序才能加载 Access 数据库文件。 如果已在网关所在的同一台...
函式參考檔Access.Database 注意 某些功能可能會存在於一個產品中,但由於部署排程和主機特定功能,而不存在其他功能。 必要條件 如果您要從 Power Query Online 連線到 Access 資料庫,則包含內部部署數據閘道的系統必須安裝 64 位版本的Access 資料庫引擎 2016 OLEDB 提供者。
PowerQuery 整合現在支援其他資料來源選項 (OData.Feed、Odbc.DataSource、Access.Database、SapBusinessWarehouse.Cubes)。 資料來源的 PowerQuery 選項字串現在會根據用戶端地區設定正確顯示當地語系化的文字。 圖表檢視現在會顯示 1400 相容性層級模型中從 M 查詢編輯器新建立的資料行。 Power Query 編輯器現在提...
Access veritabanının yapısal bir gösterimini döndürür. database aşağıdaki seçenekleri denetlemek için isteğe bağlı bir kayıt parametresi optionsbelirtilebilir:CreateNavigationProperties: Döndürülen değerlerde gezinti özellikleri oluşturulup oluş...
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UNIONs and more. Often Microsoft Query statementswill be more efficient than Excel formulas or a VBA Macro. A Microsoft Query (aka MS Query, aka Excel Query) is in fact an SQL SELECT Statement. Excel as well as Access use Windows ACE.OLEDB or JET.OLEDB providers to run queries. Its an...
Using Microsoft® Data Access Components (MDAC), information can either be manipulated on the server as part of a server-side query, or be bundled as a package and transmitted to the client. Choosing how the information will be presented to the user is perhaps the hardest decision you'll ...
Introduction Getting Started Data Access Page Events Data Access Page Objects Dealing with Data Taking Control Tips and Tricks Next StepsIntroductionUse the power of Visual Basic®, Scripting Edition (VBScript) to add interactivity to your data access pages....