产品:所有类别Business SolutionsOfficeServersWindows PhoneDeveloper ToolsMSNWindowsWindows LiveGames & XboxWindows MobileInternet ExplorerOther 01 Microsoft Office 2010 定义更新 (KB3115321) 32 位版本 此更新提供 Microsoft Office 2010 32 位版本 的最新垃圾邮件和恶意链接筛选器定义。
Microsoft Access 2010 Runtime 32 位元版本 Service Pack 2 (SP2) 包含新的更新,可提升安全性、效能與穩定性。此外,這個 SP 彙總了所有先前已發行的更新。
accessruntime 2010 32/64位是微软Microsoft官方推出的一款针对旗下所有办公软件的数据库管理程序,主要作用便是共享与分发,推荐给有需要的用户下载使用! 安装此下载: 1. 通过单击“下载”并将文件保存到硬盘上来下载文件。 2. 双击硬盘上的 AccessRuntime.exe 文件以启动安装程序。
摘要:Microsoft Access 365 Runtime简体中文版下载地址(32位、64位)。 正文: 借助Microsoft 365 Access Runtime,可以将 Access 365 应用程序分发给计算机上未安装 Microsoft Office 的用户或不包含 Access 的 Microsoft Office 版本。 Microsoft 365 访问运行时包括 Access 数据库引擎 (ADE) 可用于通过 (OLEDB、ODBC...
Download the Microsoft Access 2010 Runtime Service Pack 2 64-bit package now. Download the Microsoft Access 2010 Runtime Service Pack 2 32-bit package now. For more information about how to download Microsoft support files, click the following article number to view the arti...
借助Microsoft 365 Access Runtime,可以将 Access 365 应用程序分发给其计算机上未安装 Microsoft Office 的用户或不包含 Access 的 Microsoft Office 版本。 Microsoft 365 访问运行时包括 Access 数据库引擎 (ADE) 可用于通过 (OLEDB、ODBC、DAO) 接口促进 Microsoft Office 系统文件和非 Microsoft Office...
Access 2003 to Access 2016 Access 2003 warning error: "Microsoft Office Access was unable to append all the data to the table" ? Access 2007 Download: Access Runtime Access 2007/2010 #deleted record shows up access 2010 - can I have subform displayed in split form view? Access 2010 - Can...
The Access 2016 Runtime is similar to previous runtimes in that all design-related UI is either removed or disabled. You do not need to buy any special product in order to redistribute the Access 2016 Runtime. You can freely redistribute it or point users to this download. “ ...
When you use the “std::vector" statement, a memory leak occurs when you run your program. Concurrency Runtime Fixed concurrent queue access violations. Visual C++ concurrent runtime libraries leak memory in Visual Studio 2010. Additionally, Visual Studio 2010 SP1 contains the following improvements...
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