So far I’ve examined only the local use of EFS on a system that is joined to a domain. You can use EFS to encrypt files to provide access for users from remote locations, too. But how will users access these files remotely and how will the files be secured in transit to and from...
So far I’ve examined only the local use of EFS on a system that is joined to a domain. You can use EFS to encrypt files to provide access for users from remote locations, too. But how will users access these files remotely and how will the files be secured in transit to and from...
Query designer gives you access to row-level data and customizable metrics.The following is an example of query output with organizational attributes (level, function, and region) and other related metrics (external and internal collaboration hours, meeting hours, and network size)....
adequately protect this information any longer. A person may have access to a document, but you may not want this person to be able to save it to the external storage devices. Controlling how a document can be handled is a key element of RMS, as is protecting it while crossing the ...
Understanding How the Jet Query Engine WorksOne of the potentially biggest bottlenecks in your Access applications is query execution. Any time your application creates a recordset, whether it is by executing a query, opening a form, printing a report, or opening a recordset in code,...
You have to ensure that it is possible to access the absolute url of the master site directory from the server itself. This can be tricky since the public url can be returned of an AAM zone if the site collection page was opened using a non-default internal url. So you have...
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First published on MSDN on Mar 24, 2010 I put a presentation together quite some time ago going over various SQL Server I/O behaviors and relating them to...
The olehlp!DtcGetTransactionManager contacts the host, performing a remote registry access to determine the connection and proxy information. ‘null’ Host Name The olehlp!DtcGetTransactionManager consults the default entry in the local registry to determine the connection and proxy information....
If you’re a Microsoft 365 administrator, see:How to manage Clipchamp access for users in your organization. Frequently asked questions What is the difference between using Clipchamp with a work or school account versus using Clipchamp with a personal account?