Access 桌面数据库参考 概述 概念 Microsoft 数据访问对象引用 概述 ComplexType Connection Connections 容器 容器 Database Database Database 对象 Database 成员 属性 属性 CollatingOrder 属性 Connect 属性 Connection 属性 Containers 属性 DesignMasterID 属性 Name 属性 Properties 属性 QueryDefs 属性 QueryTime...
Database properties (DAO) 文章 15/09/2021 Applies to: Access 2013, Office 2013 Database.CollatingOrder property (DAO) Database.Connect property (DAO) Database.Connection property (DAO) Database.Containers property (DAO) Database.DesignMasterID property (DAO) ...
Features you (and your users) will notice when opening an application in Access 2007 that was written in an earlier version of Access. When to convert your existing Access database to the new Access 2007 format (and when you should not). How you can take advantage of new Access 2007 ...
最大记录数指定 ODBC 数据库将返回到 Microsoft Access 数据库 (.mdb) 的最大记录数。 Orientation您可以使用方向 属性可以指定或确定的查看方向。 子数据表名称可以使用 SubdatasheetName 属性指定或确定绑定到子数据表的表或查询。 链接子字段可以将 LinkChildFields 和 LinkMasterFields 属性一起使用,以指定 Micr...
To have access, the owner of the database also needs to have the AUTHENTICATE SERVER permission at the server level. This property also allows the creation and execution of unsafe and external access assemblies within the database. In addition to setting this property toTrue, the owner of the...
Setting Microsoft Access Properties for DAO Objects When you set a property that is defined by Microsoft Access, but applies to a DAO object, the Access database engine does not automatically recognize the property as a valid property. The first time you set the property, you must create the...
Microsoft Data Access Objects (DAO) Reference What's New in DAO DAO Reference ComplexType Object Connection Object Connections Object Container Object Containers Object Database Object Database Object Database Object Members Properties CollatingOrder Property ...
从Microsoft Access 复制数据时,支持以下属性: 展开表 属性描述必需 type 数据集的 type 属性必须设置为:MicrosoftAccessTable 是 tableName Microsoft Access 中的表名。 源为否(如果指定了活动源中的“query”);接收器为是 示例 JSON 复制 { "name": "MicrosoftAccessDataset", "properties": { "type": ...
data connection and that other site members can access this data source. If you want other site members to access the database by using the same user name and password, clickOK. If you do not want other site members to access the database by using the same user name and password, ...
Windows或SqlServerSSMS:未在本地计算机上注册“microsoft.ACE.oledb.12.0”提供程序(AccessDatabaseEngine) 环境:Win7、Win10 32位、Win10 64位系统 说明:C#以 oledb的方式读取excel时,xls格式的文件读取正常,但是xlsx格式的提示错误:未在本地计算机上注册“microsoft.ACE.oledb.12.0”提供程序 ...