若保存新表时未设置主键,Access 会提示你创建一个新字段作为主键。 如果单击“是”,Access 将创建一个使用“自动编号”数据类型的 ID 字段,为每条记录提供唯一值。 如果表已包含“自动编号”字段,Access 会将它用作主键。 如果单击“否”,Access 不会添加字段,也不会设置主键。 返回页首 字段添加 若要存储与已...
结构化查询语言 (Access SQL) 聚合函数 子句 保留的关键字 ALL、DISTINCT、DISTINCTROW、TOP 谓词 构建包含变量和控件的 SQL 语句 创建和删除表和索引 定义表之间的关系 对结果集中的记录进行分组 In 运算符 插入、更新和删除表中的记录 Like 运算符
[!注释] Microsoft Access 数据库引擎不支持使用 ALTER TABLE 语句或任何数据定义语言 (DDL) 语句。 请改为使用 DAOCreate方法。 语法 ALTER TABLE表{ADD {COLUMNfield type[ (size) ] [NOT NULL] [CONSTRAINTindex] |ALTER COLUMN字段类型[ (大小) ] |CONSTRAINTmultifieldindex} |DROP ...
在Access 2002 或 Access 2003 中,请按照以下步骤操作: 按F11 切换到“数据库”窗口。 在“工具”菜单上,单击“关系。 在Access 2007、Access 2010 或 Access 2013 中,单击“数据库工具”选项卡上的“显示/隐藏”组中的“关系”。 如果尚未在数据库中定义任何关系,则会自动显示"显示表”对话框。 如果要添加...
There are various ways you can add a column to an existing table: To visually add a column in the Datasheet View, right-click an existing column and click Insert Field To visually add a column in the Design View, right-click an existing column and click Insert Rows ...
The information in this article explains how to create and run a make table query in Access. You use a make table query when you need to copy the data in a table, archive data, or perhaps save query results as a table. If you need to change or update part of the data in an exis...
. Examples demonstrate core data access programming functionality such as building up a connection string with a strong password for decrypting a database, connecting to an encrypted database, building up and executing an SQL query, working with a schema and recordset, and retrieving sorted data....
tableName public Object tableName() Get the tableName property: The Microsoft Access table name. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Returns: the tableName value.toJson public JsonWriter toJson(JsonWriter jsonWriter) Overrides: MicrosoftAccessTableDataset.toJson(JsonWriter json...
Access 2013, How to get read permission of MSysObjects table? Access 2016 - Edit 'Excel Saved Import' Access 2019 - MySQL ODBC Driver Not Showing on "Create New Data Source" - SOLVED Access 2019 Runtime Access add records for days within date range Access adding column of type decimal(numb...
{ <auto_option> | <change_tracking_option> | <cursor_option> | <database_mirroring_option> | <date_correlation_optimization_option> | <db_encryption_option> | <db_state_option> | <db_update_option> | <db_user_access_option> | <external_access_option> | <parameterization_option> | <...