Microsoft 365 Family, Microsoft 365 Personal, Microsoft 365 Basic, Sway, and any other Microsoft 365 app or Service or Office-branded Service is for your personal, noncommercial use, unless you have commercial use rights under a separate agreement with Microsoft. Use of apps such ...
Product prices and availability are subject to change at any time and without notice. Microsoft may place a limit on the quantities that may be purchased per order, per account, per credit card, per person, or per household. If the Products that you order are unavailable, we may contact yo...
*** EA purchases and CSP aren't supported in Korea (South). Credit card purchases are supported. Free / BYOL offers are supported for all customers.How we convert currencyFor all paid offer types, you can enter prices in USD or upload prices in the local currency. Prices you enter in ...
Select the country/region for which you want to see the available storage plans. Note that if you already have a OneDrive subscription, you won't be able to see prices in different countries/regions. If your country or region is not listed below, please visit theMicr...
Select the country/region for which you want to see the available storage plans. Note that if you already have a OneDrive subscription, you won't be able to see prices in different countries/regions. If your country or region is not listed below, please visit theMicrosoft storeto...
South Africa South Korea Switzerland United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States VPS Plans Compare specs for all plans from all providers Performance Grades To summarize the performance of each VPS plan, we generated grades based on the various tests that were run: web, sysbench, endurance ...
All prices for Skype paid products are inclusive of applicable taxes, unless otherwise stated. You are solely responsible for paying such taxes or other charges. Skype calculates taxes based on the residential address associated with your billing information. You are responsible for ensuring that ...
za : south africabe : belgiumca : canadaat : austriatr : türkiyecn : chinadk : denmarkse : swedenno : norwayfi : finlandeg : egypt shipto_country DELIVERYADDRESSZIPCODE = shipto_postalcode DELIVERYADDRESSSTATEID = shipto_stateorprovince DELIVERYADDRESSSTREET = shipto_line1 DELIVERY...
Virtual machinesreduced prices for DCsv2/DCsv3in January and then expansion toSwitzerland and West USin April andAustralia East, Japan East, South Central US, and Southeast Asiain May; added the ability toauto-delete associated resourcesand addeddisk burstingin February; introduced theEbsv5SKU in ...
"virtualMachinePricing": { ... "spreadSheetPricing": { "uri": "<your_spreadsheet_location_here>/prices.xlsx", } } New core sizes added on 7/2/2019VM publishers were notified on July 2, 2019 of the addition of new prices for new Azure virtual machine ...