Microsoft Office PowerPoint轻松创建出类拔萃的精美演示文稿软件,Microsoft 365中文网提供PowerPoint软件免费下载试用, 通过Microsoft 365中文网(原Office365)订阅获取正版PowerPoint软件。
输入电话号码或电子邮件地址,我们将发送适用于 Apple、Android 和 Windows 的 PowerPoint 移动应用的下载链接。
The Microsoft 365 app combines Word, Excel, and PowerPoint with exclusive features to make it your go-to productivity mobile app—available for iOS and Android.
The Microsoft 365 app combines Word, Excel, and PowerPoint with exclusive features to make it your go-to productivity mobile app—available for iOS and Android.
The Microsoft 365 app combines Word, Excel, and PowerPoint with exclusive features to make it your go-to productivity mobile app—available for iOS and Android.
Microsoft has long been the trusted choice in administrative and productivity software, and working on applications likeExcel,Word, andPowerPointis a given in a wide swath of businesses, schools, and other organizations. Opting to download Microsoft 365 for Mac or Windows, with its various plans ...
The Microsoft 365 app combines Word, Excel, and PowerPoint with exclusive features to make it your go-to productivity mobile app—available for iOS and Android.
需要 Microsoft 365 个人版或家庭版订阅才能在部分应用(包括 Word、Excel、PowerPoint、OneNote 和 Outlook)中访问 Copilot。Excel 功能目前仅提供英文预览版。Microsoft 365 个人版或家庭版和 Copilot Pro 不可通过同一笔交易获得,必须通过两次单独的交易购买。 [3] 付费订阅开始后,取消政策会根据你作为新客户的...
第一步,打开Microsoft Office官网,根据您的实际需要选择合适的订阅方案。Microsoft Office 365主要提供两种...
Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 64 位版本 中存在一个安全漏洞,当用户打开一个被恶意修改的文件时,该漏洞可能允许运行任意代码。此更新可解决该漏洞。