Microsoft Office PowerPoint轻松创建出类拔萃的精美演示文稿软件,Microsoft 365中文网提供PowerPoint软件免费下载试用, 通过Microsoft 365中文网(原Office365)订阅获取正版PowerPoint软件。
Microsoft has long been the trusted choice in administrative and productivity software, and working on applications likeExcel,Word, andPowerPointis a given in a wide swath of businesses, schools, and other organizations. Opting to download Microsoft 365 for Mac or Windows, with its various plans t...
The Microsoft 365 app combines Word, Excel, and PowerPoint with exclusive features to make it your go-to productivity mobile app—available for iOS and Android.
Microsoft has long been the trusted choice in administrative and productivity software, and working on applications likeExcel,Word, andPowerPointis a given in a wide swath of businesses, schools, and other organizations. Opting to download Microsoft 365 for Mac or Windows, with its various plans t...
The Microsoft 365 app combines Word, Excel, and PowerPoint with exclusive features to make it your go-to productivity mobile app—available for iOS and Android.
通过 OneDrive 同步 PowerPoint 文档、与同事共享,和团队共同制作令人惊艳的演示文稿。如果使用 Office 365 订阅登录,则可获得完整的 Microsoft Office 体验。如果现在下载 Microsoft PowerPoint,即可轻松创建、编辑和共享演示文稿。自信演示• PowerPoint 时刻同步,让你随时随地不漏一拍。可以制作新的演示文稿,也可以就...
You can download Microsoft PowerPoint for Windows for free, with the software available through a paid subscription toMicrosoft 365. If you want to create a unique slideshow, you can make your presentation from scratch with entirely blank slides. For the creative mind, this might be the perfect...
微软官方发布的免费Office办公软件 – PowerPoint (PPT) 应用• 为安卓平台而设计的PPT拥有完美的触控体验• 熟悉的导航和菜单选项帮您快速上手• 拥有电脑端PPT的图像、动画效果、渐变等功能• 精美模板可以激发您的创造力,使您轻松制作演示文稿免费安装此微软Office应用即表示您同意此条款:
The Microsoft 365 app combines Word, Excel, and PowerPoint with exclusive features to make it your go-to productivity mobile app—available for iOS and Android.
Use Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and other tools for free in one mobile app Enjoy exclusive features with the new Microsoft 365 mobile app for iPhone, Android, and other tablet devices.Get portable productivity The ultimate everyday productivity app that helps you create, edits, and share on ...