Teams 会议录制不再保存到Microsoft Stream。 所有录制内容现在都保存到OneDrive for Business。 如果组织仍使用 Stream,请注意: 录制停止后,将对其进行处理并保存到 Stream。 然后便可随时播放。 当录制内容可用时,会议组织者将收到一封电子邮件。 录制内容将显示在会议聊天或频道中。
IXCloud, native recording engine architected from its core to record Microsoft Teams and all SIPREC enabled gateways with no hardware.
打开Teams 日历。 双击要从中查看录制内容的过去会议。 选择“回顾”。 选择“ 播放”。 还可以在“详细信息”中选择录制缩略图,然后选择“播放 ”。 从频道 在Teams中选择“Teams ”。 选择频道。 选择“文件”。 查找并选择录制内容。 录制是一个 .mp4 文件,在行的开头具有“录制 ...
In Microsoft Teams, your users can record their Teams meetings, webinars, and town halls to capture audio, video, and screen sharing activity. This type of recording is called convenience recording. The recording happens in Microsoft 365 and is saved to OneDrive or SharePoint, which must be ...
注意:Teams 中生成的实时事件录制当前未保存在 Microsoft Stream 中。 可以从会议详细信息下载录制内容,并在活动结束后手动将其上传到 Microsoft Stream。 若要管理报表,请选择“日历 ”,选择实时事件,然后转到“事件资源”部分。 若要下载录制内容或报表,请选择项目旁边的“下载”。
In Microsoft Teams, users can record their Teams meetings, webinars, and town halls to capture audio, video, and screen sharing activity. The recording happens in Microsoft 365 and is saved to OneDrive or SharePoint, which must be enabled for the user....
Showing results for Teams Recording and Transcript - Microsoft 365 Developer Blog Oct 31, 2023 1 3 Microsoft Graph APIs for Microsoft Teams meeting transcripts now generally available Ayan Chakraborty Use Microsoft Graph APIs to build apps that fetch the transcript content for meetings and apply ...
Starting January 1st, 2024, we are adjusting the pricing for Microsoft Teams transcripts and recording APIs.
您有幾個選項可以錄製 Microsoft Teams 實時活動。 錄製選項是使用錄製原則來設定。 本文將說明各種設定。 錄製選項是使用 PowerShell 命令 Set-CsTeamsMeetingBroadcastPolicy 來設定。 排程和選項行為 排程即時活動錄製時,有兩個召集人選項: 錄製適用於製作人和演示者 錄製檔案:提供錄製檔,讓製作人和演示者可以在活動...
Hello,Past meeting our recording was started by a guest who doesn't have a license to microsoft teams. But to use the recordings you need a license. Now...