可以查看 NetworkConnectivityReport.csv 文件,了解检测到的问题或缺陷。 有关每个测试的详细信息以及警告的阈值,请参阅每个测试步骤发生的情况。 网络连接扫描报告 (JSON) 此文件提供命令行版 Microsoft 365 网络连接测试工具 (MicrosoftConnectivityTest.exe) 的原始输出测试结果。 常见问题 下面是一些常见问题的解答。
Microsoft 365 透過專為 Microsoft 365 功能和工作負載設計的內建安全性和治理功能,協助滿足貴組織對於內容安全性和數據使用方式合規性的需求。 如需 Microsoft 365 安全性與合規性的詳細資訊,請參閱 適用於 Office 365 的 Microsoft Defender和Microsoft Purview 風險與合規性解決方案。 如需 Microsoft 在 Microsoft...
瀏覽至HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Windows\NetworkConnectivityStatusIndicator。 以滑鼠右鍵按一下登錄子機碼,選取 [新增],然後選取 [DWORD]。 將DWORDUseGlobalDNS命名為 ,並將值設定為 1。 請嘗試重新啟用 Microsoft 365。
For more information on understanding and applying Microsoft 365 network connectivity principles, see Microsoft 365 Network Connectivity Principles.ConclusionOptimizing Microsoft 365 network performance really comes down to removing unnecessary impediments. By treating Microsoft 365 connections as trusted traffic,...
Today we are thrilled to announce the first wave of partners who have successfully completed the program requirements. These partners are working closely with Office 365 engineering teams to architecturally align and integrate their solutions in accordance with Office 365 network c...
This web site tests your network connectivity to Microsoft 365 and shares a test report with your administrator
Microsoft 365 network connectivity test tool Microsoft 365 network connectivity test (http://connectivity.office.com) is also now in preview and enables sign-in to the users tenant and several ways to share test reports. Home page of connectivity.office.com ...
an update was deployed to an internal service management tool that introduced an unplanned change to the IP address range that negatively impacted a limited number of Microsoft 365 customers. The negative impact to affected customers was a loss...
an update was deployed to an internal service management tool that introduced an unplanned change to the IP address range that negatively impacted a limited number of Microsoft 365 customers. The negative impact to affected customers was a loss...
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\NetworkConnectivityStatusIndicator\NoActiveProbe 类型:DWORD 值:Decimal 0 若要使用组策略启用 NCSI 活动探测,请配置以下 GPO: 计算机配置\管理模板\系统\Internet 通信管理\Internet 通信设置\关闭 Windows 网络连接状态指示器活动测试 ...