Microsoft 365 应用将 Word、Excel 和 PowerPoint 与专属功能组合在一起,成为你随时可通过 iOS 和 Android 设备使用的生产力移动应用。
Microsoft 365 应用将 Word、Excel 和 PowerPoint 与专属功能组合在一起,成为你随时可通过 iOS 和 Android 设备使用的生产力移动应用。
Use Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and other tools for free in one mobile app Enjoy exclusive features with the new Microsoft 365 mobile app for iPhone, Android, and other tablet devices. Get portable productivity The ultimate everyday productivity app that helps you create, edits, and share on the...
The Microsoft 365 app combines Word, Excel, and PowerPoint with exclusive features to make it your go-to productivity mobile app—available for iOS and Android.
The Microsoft 365 app combines Word, Excel, and PowerPoint with exclusive features to make it your go-to productivity mobile app—available for iOS and Android.
The Microsoft 365 app combines Word, Excel, and PowerPoint with exclusive features to make it your go-to productivity mobile app—available for iOS and Android.
Get Kaizala|Use Kaizala Get things done with Microsoft To-Do Prioritize your goals, organize your tasks, and be more productive with Microsoft To-Do - available as part of Microsoft Microsoft 365 Business Standard. Get Microsoft To-Do|Use Microsoft To-Do...
Get Kaizala|Use Kaizala Get things done with Microsoft To-Do Prioritize your goals, organize your tasks, and be more productive with Microsoft To-Do - available as part of Microsoft Microsoft 365 Business Standard. Get Microsoft To-Do|Use Microsoft To-Do...
Microsoft 365 for iOS Microsoft 365 for PC or Mac Microsoft 365 for Android You can download the Microsoft 365 mobile apps (Outlook, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, and Microsoft OneNote) from the Google Play store for Android. For more information, please see Microsoft...
Microsoft 365 Apps 企業版 更新控制件 Windows Autopatch 不允許您在 Microsoft Intune 系統管理中心暫停或復原更新。 將支援要求提交給 Windows Autopatch Service Engineering Team,以在需要時暫停或復原更新。 注意 匯報 會組合成每月企業通道中的單一版本。 因此,我們無法只復原 Microsoft 365 Apps 企業版 更新的...