向用户分配 Microsoft 365 E3 或 E5 额外功能许可证 重要 本文仅适用于通过企业协议 (EA) 购买 Microsoft 365 E3 或 E5 原始订阅的情况。 如果这适用于你,则你现在可以在 Microsoft 365 管理中心的许可证页上看到 Microsoft 365 E3 额外功能或 Microsoft 365 E5 额外功能产品。
Microsoft 365 商业标准版 Microsoft 365 商业高级版 Microsoft 365 A3 Microsoft 365 A5 Microsoft 365 E3 Microsoft 365 E5 Office 365 A1 Plus Office 365 A3 Office 365 A5 Office 365 E3 Office 365 E5将许可证分配给某人时会发生什么情况?下表列出了在为某人分配许可证时会自动发生的情况:展开...
Microsoft 365 企业应用版和Microsoft 365 商业应用版该用户最多可在 5 台 Mac 或电脑上下载Microsoft 365 应用版、5 台平板电脑和 5 部智能手机。 了解非用户邮箱的许可证 不需要为资源邮箱、会议室邮箱和共享邮箱分配许可证,除非这些邮箱超过了其 50 千兆字节 (GB) 的存储配额。 有关非用户邮箱的详细信息,请...
Windows Autopatch—A service that manages and automates Windows 10, Windows 11, Microsoft Edge, Microsoft Teams and Microsoft 365 software updates. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/commerce/licenses/e3-extra-features-licenses?view=o365-worldwide#whats-provided-by-m...
Difference between the Office 365 E3 and Office 365 E1 licenses1) How many Office 365 SharePoint Sites can be created and default storage size at Tenant...
若要查看所有许可证计划中可用的 Microsoft 365 服务的详细信息,请首先显示许可证计划的列表。PowerShell 复制 Get-MgSubscribedSku 接下来,将许可证计划信息存储在变量中。PowerShell 复制 $licenses = Get-MgSubscribedSku 接下来,显示特定许可证计划中的服务。
For Microsoft 365 E3/Education A3 – Unattended License the components include Office 365 E3/A3, Enterprise Mobility + Security E3/A3 and Windows 11 Enterprise E3/A3. License Assignment and Windows Use Rights The use rights for the Windows component of Microsoft 365 licenses are modified as follo...
Here is an example of the relationship of organizations, subscriptions, licenses, and user accounts: An organization identified by its public domain name. A Microsoft 365 E3 subscription with user licenses. A Microsoft 365 E5 subscription with user licenses. ...
To use Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise on WorkSpaces, you must have subscription to Microsoft 365 E3/E5, Microsoft 365 A3/A5, Microsoft 365 G3/G5, or Microsoft 365 Business Premium. On your Amazon WorkSpaces you can use your Microsoft 365 licenses to install and activate Microsoft 365 Apps...
Windows 11 Enterprise E3 provides access to Windows 11 Enterprise edition, and includes a set of Windows cloud services that enable advanced protection against modern security threats, a broad range of options for operating system deployments and updates, and comprehensive device and application managemen...