解决方法是,你可以将文本添加到 DLP 策略规则的 NDR 响应中,该规则告知用户在 OWA 客户端中重新创建其邮件(如果他们最初使用 Outlook for Mac 提交了邮件)。 使用 OWA 客户端向用户公开策略提示功能,并使用户能够替代、报告误报或输入业务理由(具体取决于 DLP 策略规则中指定的“通知”操作)。 然后,用户...
解决方法是,你可以将文本添加到 DLP 策略规则的 NDR 响应中,该规则告知用户在 OWA 客户端中重新创建其邮件(如果他们最初使用 Outlook for Mac 提交了邮件)。 使用 OWA 客户端向用户公开策略提示功能,并使用户能够替代、报告误报或输入业务理由(具体取决于 DLP 策略规则中指定的“通知”操作)。 然后,...
数据丢失防护 (DLP) 是一个安全性解决方案,可识别并帮助防止不安全或不当地共享、传输或使用敏感数据的行为。
终结点 DLP 现已正式发布,使组织能够实施策略,在云、本地和终结点之间一致地识别和防止危险或不适当的共享、传输或敏感信息的使用。我们还根据客户的反馈向公共预览版添加了新功能,例如添加实施操作和基于位置的敏感性、Microsoft 365 合规中心中用于管理 DLP ...
Microsoft 365 DLP policies detect when content is being shared inappropriately and apply a range of measures in response - ranging from notifying someone to blocking the sharing altogether – to provide an effective safety net. Our Microsoft 365 DLP pilot focuses on the DLP...
Microsoft 365-eindpunten Geïntegreerd cloud.microsoft-domein voor Microsoft 365-apps Microsoft 365-eindpunten beheren Wereldwijde eindpunten Eindpunten voor U.S. Government DoD Eindpunten voor U.S. Government GCC High Microsoft 365 beheerd door 21Vianet ...
Name Microsoft URL https://support.microsoft.com/microsoft-365展開資料表 Connector Metadata Publisher Microsoft Website https://compliance.microsoft.com/ Privacy policy https://privacy.microsoft.com Categories SecurityMicrosoft 365 compliance solutions help you discover, protect, and govern your data, ...
Microsoft 365 and Office 365 are cloud-based services designed to help meet your organization's needs for robust security, reliability, and user productivity.
Microsoft 365 and Office 365 are cloud-based services designed to help meet your organization's needs for robust security, reliability, and user productivity.
Microsoft 365 and Office 365 are cloud-based services designed to help meet your organization's needs for robust security, reliability, and user productivity.