確定您的Microsoft Office 2013是在32位元還是64元位電腦上執行 以管理員身份打開並執行Powershell 啟用還沒有數位簽名的本地文件的執行。您可以輸入:Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned來更改策略 輸入以下命令:Import-Module C:\Users\Desktop\office.ps1; Get-MSOfficeProductKey。更改上述命令中的路徑,並在儲存.ps1 ...
假设你尝试在基于 Windows Server 2012 的计算机上使用批量激活工具向导激活 Microsoft Office 2013。 此外,假设使用基于 Active Directory 或基于密钥管理服务的激活。 在这种情况下,你会收到以下错误消息: 产品密钥无效或许可证不匹配。 请确认此产品密钥输入正确,并且此应用程序或 Windows 版本有效。
Read this article to get a list of free Microsoft office 2013 product key to activate your office document now!
How to use Microsoft Office 2013 product key to activate Microsoft Office 2013 Pro Plus for free (30 days) Step 1: You open Word or Excel. Then you goAccount Step 2: You select “Activate Product“ Step 3: You select “Enter product key instead“. Then you copy and paste Microsoft Off...
features. microsoft office 2013 holdsword, excel, powerpoint,pdf, and publish brochures, envelopes, flyers, etc. it consists of the following suites. in addition to a vision file viewer, you can play with the documents. you all have to own an activation key for microsoft office 2013. ...
Microsoft Office Pro Plus 2013 Product Key Download✏https://urloso.com/2sJ5Au when purchasing office 2013, you will get a seul. this is essentially a long string of letters and numbers, and its the key that will let microsoft know how many products they have sold. you can check the...
Good Afternoon, Friends! Please, tell me what Microsoft Office 2013 Product key Activation is necessary to use that I could to use Microsoft Office 2013? My laptop is G50-45. Thanks in advance. hi DariaFonBet, Welcome to the Forums. ...
没法激活的。 除非你有正版序列号。 安装新版本应该会替换掉老版本才对。 用小马激活吧。
激活方法如下:1、打开任何一个office应用程序,点击文件(file),进入界面后点击office数据(office account)。2、在office account界面上点击蓝色的change product key。3、在change product key 输入界面中输入上述密钥,N266M-H7BB8-QJDJY-9H8X7-7QRC8,如果过期了,到网上找最新的key输入。4、...
Applies ToOffice 365 Office 2019 Office 2016 Office 2013 Many tasks for Office products don't require a product key because your Microsoft account takes care of them instead. Using product keys with Office SUBSCRIBE RSS FEEDS Need more help? Want more options? DiscoverCommunity Explore subscription...