UnderAdditional securityandTwo-step verificationchooseTurn onorTurn off. Follow the instructions shown on the screen. Note:As part of setting up this account, you'll be given a QR code to scan with your device; this is one way we ensure you are in physical possession of the device you ar...
UnderAdditional securityandTwo-step verificationchooseTurn onorTurn off. Follow the instructions shown on the screen. Note:As part of setting up this account, you'll be given a QR code to scan with your device; this is one way we ensure you are in physic...
若要提高帐户的安全性,可能需要两个步骤才能登录。 打开或关闭双重验证 登录到Microsoft帐户 高级安全选项。登录 在“附加安全性和双重验证”下,选择“打开”或“关闭”。 按照屏幕上显示的说明进行作。 注意: 作为设置此帐户的一部分,你将获得一个 QR 码,以便使用你的设备进行扫描;这是我们确保你实际拥有要安装...
没有帐户?立即创建一个! 下一个 登录选项
Turning off 2-Step Verification In “Signing in & security” section of My Account, select 2-Step Verification. Sign in with your username, password, and verification code if asked. Select Turn off 2-Step Verification. A pop-up window will appear to confirm that yo...
To disable two-step verification, use these steps: Open Microsoft account (web). Sign in with your credentials (as needed). Click the Security tab. Click the "Advanced security options" option. (Image credit: Mauro Hucualk) Click the Turn off option under the "Additional security" section....
为工作或学校帐户设置安全验证方法后,可以更新相关详细信息。 使用“安全信息”页 如果你的组织提供了有关如何启用和管理双重验证的特定步骤,你应该首先遵循这些说明。 否则,可以从“安全信息”页访问安全验证方法设置。 注意:如果你在屏幕上看到的内容与本文中介绍的内容不匹配,则意味着你的组织提供了自己的自定义门户...
You can enable Two-Step Verification (2SV) to your Microsoft account by using the following steps. First, log in to your Microsoft Account athttps://account.live.com/proofs/Manage. Scroll down the page to the Additional security section and click theTurn onLink under Two-step verification. ...
启用双重验证或设置Authenticator 应用后,如果使用较旧的设备 ((如 Xbox 360)或不支持双重验证的邮件发送安全摄像头) ,可能会遇到问题。 对于这些设备,可以改为使用应用密码登录。 应用密码是随机生成的长密码,在登录不支持双重验证的应用和设备时,你只需提供一次此密码而非常规密码。
This section is in line with Microsoft commercial marketplace policy number 1140.3.2. Expand to know more For apps that use the Microsoft Azure Bot Service (such as bots and message extensions), you must follow all requirements defined in the Microsoft Online Services Terms. Bot...